- Overview
- Available Locations
- How do I register for this service?
- Contact us
- Reviews and feedback
- Useful resources and links
Older People’s Inpatient AcuteWe offer a range of services to support older people needing inpatient setting for a period of assessment and treatment with mental health problems and dementia. We provide medical treatment, therapy, nursing, and holistic treatment to make sure all our patients’ needs are met.
We work to minimise the problems caused by impairment and disability, helping older people and allowing them to lead a fulfilling life, involving service users and their carers and families in decisions about their care, treatment, and therapy.
Our inpatient services are provided in two purpose-built facilities in the county, one located in Kettering and the other located in Northampton. Both facilities provide a safe and caring environment for older people needing acute inpatient treatment.
Who is this service for? People over the age of 65 years.
Available Locations
How do I register for this service?
Referral to inpatient beds is via a healthcare professional within NHFT.
Contact us
North of the county:
St Mary’s Hospital, Kettering
The Forest Centre
Spinney Ward and Orchard Ward
Telephone: 0300 027 4000
South of the county:
Berrywood Hospital, Northampton
Brookview Unit
Telephone: 03000 271 660
Riverside Unit
Telephone: 03000 271 654
Reviews and feedback
We are always very happy to receive feedback. You can leave it via our iWantGreatCare form which you can access online.
Useful resources and links
You will find some more support information from these organisations:
Dementia Information for BME communities
Here we have some information for black, minority and ethnic communities:
Minority ethnic carers of older people project website: Support for minority ethnic carers to access supports and services that suit their caring situation.
PRIAE - Policy Research Insititue on Ageing and Ethnicty
Vast variety of publications on ethnicity and ageing, including material on a Major European Initiative on Mental Health in Dementia.
Online text based materials on dementia in translation for carers, family members and people living with dementia
Access Demenita Guide availabe in: Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, Traditional Chinese and Welsh
Access Health information translations, it provides education resources in multiple languages for health care professionals and others to use in their communities: French, Somali, Hindi, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Ukranian and Chinese Simplified
Access the Royal College of Psychiatrists and their translations of their mental health information: Chinese, French, Hindi, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian and Russian