All about CYPMHS


We are here to support you


Our mental health services for children and young people are here to support you.

CYPMHS service information 

All about CYPMHS 

Parents and carers

A white doodle of a speech bubble against a green background

Here to support the carers

Parents and carers

Here at NHFT we deliver a range of both mental and physical healthcare services for adults. From mental health services to sexual health, community nursing and therapy teams we are here to make a difference.

CYPMHS service information

Mental health support for you

Frequently asked questions


Mobile phone

Make a referral


Professionals including medical professionals, social workers and teachers can make a referral to our service through our Referral Management Centre. You can also recieve traning through CYPMHS  connect and recieve advice through our consultation line. 

Referral Management Centre 

CYPMHS connect and consultation line

Contact us

If you are in Northamptonshire, you can contact these services:

  • Live chat – talk to us on CAMHS live 9am to 9pm, Monday to Friday

  • Text a school nurse – for friendly, helpful advice. This service is designed for 11- to 19-year-olds: 07507 329 600 Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm

  • Phone – the consultation line for parents, carers, young people and professionals is available 9am to 7pm, Monday to Friday on 0800 170 7055


If you are in a crisis, at risk of self-harm or suicide – the CAMHS crisis team is open 24/7 and can be accessed by calling 0800 170 7055


  1. Text Shout to 85258 at any time day or night. You can find out more by accessing the Give a Shout website 
  2. If your life is at imminent risk, call 999 for emergency help


Other useful contacts:

The Mix is a UK based charity that provides free, confidential support for young people under 25 online and on social and mobile

Blurt it Out for information on how to cope in a crisis and complete a crisis plan

Sexual Health Service NHFT's sexual health team 

Northamptonshire Rape Crisis for anyone affected by sexual violence or abuse