- Overview
- Available Locations
- How do I register for this service?
- Contact us
- Useful resources and links
Memory Assessment ServiceMany people experience problems with declining memory. Our Memory Assessment Service (MAS) covers Northamptonshire providing diagnosis and on-going information and support. We work with other specialists and services to achieve the best outcome for you.
Who is this service for? People over the age of 65.
Available Locations
How do I register for this service?
We only accept referrals by the GP or hospital specialist.
Contact us
Your local community mental health team (CMHT) can be contacted using the details below:
Stuart Road Clinic, Corby
Telephone: 03000 274949
York House, Isebrook Hospital, Wellingborough
Telephone: 03000 272 344
Danetre Hospital, Daventry
Telephone: 03000 272 969
Watermill Centre, Northampton
Telephone: 03000 271 671
The opening hours are Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm.
Useful resources and links
Age UK - information on exercise and local exercise groups
Alzheimer's Society - Memory aids, tools and strategies
First for Wellbeing - Get involved
Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire - Get involved
Mental Health Foundation - Mindfulness
Future Learn - new skills online
Your Memory, Driving and You Leaflet[pdf] 513KB
Positive Psychology Programme - Nine positive exercises
Dementia Information for BAME communities
Here we have some information for black, asian minority and ethnic communities:
Minority ethnic carers of older people project website: Support for minority ethnic carers to access supports and services that suit their caring situation.
PRIAE - Policy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity
Vast variety of publications on ethnicity and ageing, including material on a Major European Initiative on Mental Health in Dementia.
Translation for carers, family members and people living with dementia
Alzheimer's Society
Dementia Guide available in: Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, Traditional Chinese and Welsh
Health Information Translations
Provides education resources in multiple languages for health care professionals and others to use in their communities: French, Somali, Hindi, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Ukranian and Chinese Simplified
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Translations of their mental health information: Chinese, French, Hindi, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian and Russian