Quality Awards

The NHFT Quality Awards are a chance to celebrate and share good practice, recognising those who deliver quality care and generate a sense of pride among our teams.  2024 is a special year for NHFT Quality Awards as it is our tenth year in celebrating our shining stars across teamNHFT.


Nominations for 2025 are NOW OPEN!

Everything you need to know about the nomination process, judging panels, top tips in writing your nomination to get noticed by our judges and more is available on this page.

The Quality Awards of 2025 will have two rounds across the year in which we will find round winners who will then go forward as our shortlist for the annual award ceremony later in the year.  Our shortlisted annual nominees will be shared later in the year, but do keep your nominations coming in.


You can see four Quality Awards categories listed below with a short description of each and a link to the nomination form.  The full criteria for each of these awards is as follows:

  • Patient Choice Award - An opportunity for our patients, service users, carers and families to nominate an individual or team of their choice. This is to recognise and celebrate outstanding, compassionate care that has made a difference for our patients.
  • Engagement and Involvement Award - Our mission is 'Making a Difference for you, with you', and this category is all about those last two words, 'with you'. We know that by listening to our service users, families and communities, we can provide more effective and compassionate services. Nominees for this award should be teams or initiatives/projects and includes service users, carers, governors and volunteers that have used co-production, engagement or involvement to enhance their work and deliver successful and positive outcomes.
  • Special Recognition Award - This annual award is open to all colleagues, volunteers and governors across the Trust, recognising outstanding achievement or absolute dedication to what they do. Nominees will show they have the willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty in making a significant contribution to making a difference.  Who do you believe should be honoured for this privileged award?
  • Lifetime Achievement Award - This annual award applies to all colleagues, volunteers and governors who have shown dedication and commitment to teamNHFT and the wider NHS over a significant period of time.  We are looking for those who have worked or volunteered within the Trust who have made contributions of outstanding significance and excellence and can showcase the exemplary work they have undertaken, continue to do to make a positive difference to patients, service users and carers.

Got someone in mind?  Take a look at our top tips below to help guide you on a few pointers and help your nomination stand out then click on the link in award category you have chosen and the nomination form will open up in Microsoft Forms.  Please complete all of the sections of the form before submitting. 



Nominating someone for a Quality Award is a great way to recognise their achievements and the support they have given to you.  To help get your nomination noticed we have put together some tips below of how you can make your award submission really stand out.

  • All of our nomination forms have a word limit for both main sections (200 words max)
  • Think about the person / team - what they did and work out the key information and evidence that will get them recognised. 
  • Try not to repeat information or phrases, the judges will be looking for information and a full picture of what the nominee did and how it made a difference.
  • Write in an easy to understand language.  Please try to avoid acronyms and make sure it's clear for someone who doesn't know the nominee, to understand.
  • Think about the evidence you can give in your nomination and how you can justify your points.
  • Avoid phrases such as they're a smiley person or they're good at their job.  These don't tell us or evidence how they have made a difference.
  • Don't use the same nomination for multiple people.  Make them unique and they are more likely to be noticed.
  • Evidence is key and what our NHFT judging panel will be looking for.  Do take your time in completing your nomination ensuring you have answered the questions fully.

PLEASE NOTE:  If there is no evidence to support your nomination, the judges will not score your nomination and it will be rejected from the round.  So please do take the time to complete your nomination.

If you have any questions, please email: qualityawards@nhft.nhs.uk 


Patient Choice Award

Patient Choice widget image

An opportunity for our patients, service users, families, carers to nominate you, recognise and celebrate the outstanding compassionate care that has made a difference for our patients.  Nominate your staff choice today!

Engagement and Involvement Award

Engagement and Involvement widget image (previously known as Anne McWatt award for innovation for involvement)

Open to teams or initiatives/projects and includes service users, carers, governors and volunteers that have used co-production, engagement or involvement.  Nominate your choice today!

Special Recognition Award

Special Recognition widget image

Open to all colleagues, volunteers and governors across the Trust, recognising outstanding achievement or absolute dedication to what they do. Nominate your choice here

Lifetime Achievement Award

Lifetime Achievement Award widget image

Annual award applies to all colleagues, volunteers and governors who have shown dedication and commitment to teamNHFT and the wider NHS over a significant period of time.  Submit your nomination today!