IMPACT East Midlands

IMPACT East Midlands
We work as part of the IMPACT East Midlands secure care provider collaborative.
IMPACT brings together these providers:
- Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (designated lead provider)
- Cygnet Health Care
- Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Elysium Healthcare
- Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
- Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Priory Healthcare
- St Andrew’s Healthcare.
You can find out more about IMPACT East Midlands online.
More about our therapeutic programme
More about our therapeutic programme
Our therapeutic programme delivers a range of treatments and activities including:
- offence related interventions
- risk management
- sports and exercise therapy
- social skills work
- anger management
- a variety of living skills interventions.
The interventions take place both within the unit and in the local community.
All referrals to Wheatfield come through the IMPACT provider collaborative. Wheatfield offers beds to patients across the East Midlands as decided by the needs of the collaborative. Where possible the collaberative does strive to place patietns as close as possible to their home area.