Antenatal Year 2

A Health Visitor will make contact with you in your third trimester to discuss preparation and plans for your baby’s arrival. This will include issues such as feeding, safe sleep, emotional health and parenting approaches.
Health Visiting birth to starting school

All children from birth to starting school will be offered a series of routine health reviews. Parents can also access extra help when they need it for issues such as toileting, eating, sleep, behaviour, wellbeing and mental health.
Infant Feeding

This is available for all parents who are having difficulties feeding their babies. Please speak to your Health Visiting team for a referral.
School Nursing - Reception to aged 19

All children will be offered routine health screening when they start in Reception, via a parents questionnaire. Extra help, advice and support is available for children and young people if they need it for issues such as wellbeing, toileting, behaviour, sleep and development.
This service is also available to children who are home educated or in alternative settings.
Height and Weight checks

Our weight management team is made up of individuals who aim to provide families with healthier habits which they can adapt and embed into their day to day lives.
Health assessment

If schools, parents or young people have concerns about health, a school nurse can undertake a health assessment to help identify what the problem is and who best can help. This often leads to referrals to other professionals and services.
Flu vaccinations

All children from Reception to Year 6 will be offered a flu nasal spray vaccine in school, or to come to a clinic if parents prefer or children do not attend a school. Some years the Government expand the Flu vaccination programme, for example in winter 2021/2022 this is also being offered to Year 7 to Year 11 students.

The School Aged Immunisation Team provide routine vaccinations in schools for HPV, Teenage Boosters, and Men ACWY. These will be offered in a clinic if parents prefer and for those young people who do not attend a school.
Transition from primary to secondary

In year 6 the School Nurses will offer all schools a transition workshop which helps children with the emotional preparation for the change to secondary school. In Year 7 all schools are offered an “ Introduction to the School Nurse” workshop also.
Chat health

This is a text messaging service available for young people aged 11+, and parents of children from 4-19. It enables a text to be sent to a school nurse about any health concerns, including emotional wellbeing, mental health, sleep and eating. The service is available Monday to Friday 9am-4pm by texting 07507 329 600.
Health education

School Nurses offer all schools a series of Health Education sessions. These cover topics such as puberty, healthy relationships and contraception.
Secondary school drop in

School Nurses offer all secondary schools a “drop in” session. This allows young people to attend and discuss any worries with the nurse. Topics frequently discussed are sexual health concerns, smoking, alcohol and drug use, and mental health issues.
Perinatal Mental Health

The Perinatal Mental Health Team provides preconception advice, assessment and specialist intervention for women experiencing moderate to severe mental health conditions during pregnancy and after having a baby.
Paediatric Psychology

The Paediatric Psychology Service specialise in working with young people and families around adjustment and living with a medical condition.
Weight Management

A Team of Healthy Lifestyle Advisers that offer weight management and healthy lifestyle support for children and their families. This includes things like healthy snack options, recipe ideas, and advice around how to be a healthy, active family.
Inpatient Services

Sometimes, children with mental health problems might need inpatient treatment and we have two locations within Northamptonshire where we can provide this (children and young people aged 13-18). Referrals here are only accepted from a healthcare professional.
Crisis Service

The CAMHS Crisis Team is a multi- disciplinary team made up of mental health professionals who assess and supports young people who have attempted suicide or severally harmed themselves. We operate 7 days a week from 9am till 10pm across Northamptonshire. We also offer a phone triage service overnight between 10pm and 9am.
We additionally act as the gate keepers for young people who require a mental health hospital admission and source these beds accordingly.
Intensive Outreach

Intensive outreach service for CAMHS that aims to avoid admissions to acute hospital and inpatient services while access support in the home environment. Keep young people closer to home and support networks.
Eating Disorders

Specialist service that offers assessment and treatment to children and young people with a diagnosable eating disorder including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.
CAMHS Connect

A telephone service and Live Online Chat (CAMHS Live) for children, young people and parents/carers to provide advice and support and help you access the mental health services for children and young people experiencing difficulties with their emotional wellbeing and mental health difficulties
Children and Young People Mental Health

CYPMHS or CAMHS stands for Child and Young People Mental Health Services. CYPMHS is here to support children and young people up to the age of 18 in Northamptonshire, experiencing difficulties with their emotional wellbeing and mental health difficulties. The team offers a range of interventions and therapies delivered individually or in groups, in partnership with families in a number of localities.

Mental health/cognitive assessments and individual/group work with a range of professionals including psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, and psychotherapists for children and young people experiencing difficulties with their emotional wellbeing and mental health difficulties.
Mental Health in Schools

Mental Health in Schoolts Team (MHST) offer DirectEarly Intervention Mental Health Support for children, young people and families using evidence-based approaches. Training/workshops for education staff on identifying and supporting mental health and wellbeing, reducing mental health stigma, raising mental health awareness and developing a Whole School Approach in education settings. Our service is open to those children and people educated at home Our service has a range of professionals; Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs), Administrative colleagues, Mental Health Practitioners, Supervisors, Cognitive Behavioural Therapists (CBT), Neuro-diversity Specialist.

Short residential respite breaks for children and young people with physical disabilities, complex health needs and complex behaviour that gives parents and carers the opportunity to ‘recharge their batteries’ in the knowing their child is in a safe, supportive and stimulating environment.
Family Nurse Partnership and Tiny Steps

Family Nurse Partnership
Family Nurses work with young, first-time parents under the age of 18, delivering an intensive programme over 2 and a half years from pregnancy to the child reaching the age of 2 years. The programme aims to promote parenting confidence by improving the health, wellbeing and self-efficacy of young parents, supporting them to be the best parents they wish to be.
Tiny Steps
Family Support Practitioners work to support first-time parents under the age of 24 who are under the care of the Health Visiting service. They deliver a structured programme from the antenatal period until the child reaches 1 year. The programme aims to promote positive health and wellbeing principles, supporting child development and parenting confidence. The programme is maintained and supervised by the Family Nurse Partnership team.
Special School Nurses

Each special school in Northamptonshire has a team led by a special school nurse. The team helps to promote physical, mental, social and emotional health of children, young people of school age and their families.
Continence Service

Our Continence team help and support for children and their families to manage bladder and bowel problems within their own home, school and other settings.
Visit the Community Children's Nursing team page for more information
ADHD and ASD Team

Full diagnostic assessments for children and young people with suspected Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Asperger’s Syndrome, as well as post-diagnosis support to develop coping strategies, promote independent living skills and offer support with further education and employment.

The children’s (paediatric) physiotherapy team works with babies, children and young people from 0-19 years who may have developmental, neurological, neuromuscular or musculoskeletal difficulties.
Community Assessment and Treatment for Children at Home (CATCH)

Care, Assessment and Treatment of Children at Home (CATCH) team. Working with GPs, acute units and other healthcare practitioners, we help children who are acutely unwell to remain with their families in their own home
Community Paediatrics

Community Paediatricians are child health doctors trained in both hospital and community settings. They have experience of working with children and their families with a range of conditions and needs, such as concerns about developmental delay, neuro-disability, or other complex health needs.
Cared for Children

An integrated service made up of physical health and mental health professionals who work closely with many other agencies to ensure Looked after Children and Young People (LAC) are supported effectively and able to access the support they need.
Occupational Therapy

Support for children and young people in getting the most from their lives and achieving their potential by assessing fine motor skills and coordination, then making recommendations for specialist equipment and minor adaptations that can be made. The team can help with self-care, like eating, drinking, using the toilet, bathing, dressing and personal safety, as well as play and leisure and school participation, using classroom equipment and understanding the curriculum.
Long Term Conditions (LTC)

Children’s Community Nurses provide care for children with long-term conditions and can help with post-operative care as well.
Speech and Language (SALT)

Support for children and young people who have speech, language and communication difficulties, including understanding and using language, communication and interaction and dysfluency (stammering). The team also help children and young people who have eating and drinking difficulties and identified needs such as cleft palate, hearing impairment and special educational needs and disability (SEND).
Learning Disabilities

The CTPLD Children’s team provides a service to all children and young people up to the age of 18 (and their parents and carers where appropriate) who require specialist LD healthcare services.