- Overview
- Directions
- Contacting us and opening hours
- What to expect
- Supporting transition
- Signposting to services
Learning Disabilities - Inpatients RespiteOur adult short breaks service is located at 1 Willow Close, Northampton. This 6 bedded provision offers a countywide service as well as 'Out of County' placements where feasible and operates 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.
Who do we work with?
We work with adults (18 years and above) who have learning disabilities and associated complex health needs and we aim to ensure all aspects of their wellbeing are taken care of when in the service. We offer support to family members and carers, to provide a holistic and joint working approach to each client. 1 Willow close works in partnership with the person with a learning disability, their direct support system and others involved to provide holistic individualised care.
Referral process to 1 Willow Close
1 Willow Close receives referrals through CTPLD, please contact us on 03000 271830 to request a referral form or the CTPLD's on either, Kettering (north) 03000 274 600 or Northampton (south) 01604 657700. At this point a referral form can be forwarded, either by post or email. The CTPLD working hours are Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00.
The person being referred has to have a learning disability ( IQ below 70 ) and health needs that requires input. If the person being referred has capacity to consent to the referral they must be consulted and agree to the referral being made If the person does not have capacity to consent to the referral, the referral needs to be made to the CTPLD in the persons best interest.
Visit our Learning Disabilities overview page for more information on this service and referral details.
1 Willow Close, Upton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN5 4GLMap
Contacting us and opening hours
1 Willow Close
Telephone: 03000 271 830
Mon-Sun: 24 hours
365 days
What to expect
1 Willow Close offers a specialist service to meet the needs of adults, their families and carers, and our aim is to run a service that supports everyone. Our team of professional and experienced staff are dedicated to providing excellent person centred care for individuals, by promoting their independence and maintaining their health needs all while giving you a well-earned break.
We offer this in a fun, safe and secure environment, where the highest standards of care are provided. The residential facilities are created with a relaxed atmosphere, creating a home away from home. The staff team work within the Care Quality Commission (CQC) five domains of safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.
This enables your loved one to spend time with their peers to engage in different experiences and environments with health care professionals who have specialist learning disability training to assess, review and implement their care needs.
Our staff will offer advice, support and guidance to you where required. 1 Willow Close is a familiar homely place where there are skilled staff to meet their needs and is a great support for families. We will work in partnership with you throughout caring for your loved one.
Supporting transition
We receive referrals from Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s (NHFT) Children’s Short Breaks, Northamptonshire Adult Social Services (NASS), external providers or families directly. Referrals are processed by the operational manager and reviewed in line with the individuals Continuing Health Care (CHC) eligibility assessment. Once CHC have agreed an element of health funding for short breaks and 1 Willow Close is a considered place an initial assessment will be carried out. Once a place can be offered the transition process will begin.
Transition process for your loved one and you includes an initial visit to 1 Willow Close, tea / lunch visits, home visits, working with children’s short breaks services and shadowing care between services. We tailor transitions to meet individual needs and this can be as long or as quick as needed.
We complete mental capacity assessments, risk assessments and care plans to meet your loved ones needs to ensure all their care is carried out in an individualised way.
Signposting to services
Information for carers, please click here or see below.
This organisation offers carers and young carers support, information and advice. The website contains information such as the support line, carer’s groups, and breaks for carers. Complete an online carer’s self assessment
to find out what impact your caring responsibilities have on you and what support you might need to continue your caring role. They also have monthly carer’s cafes held around the county.
Visit the website: www.northamptonshire-carers.org/
A countywide organisation working with Healthwatch Northamptonshire to improve the services available to carers, and making sure views and opinions are heard. Meetings are usually held on the second Thursday
of each month, check their website for more information: www.healthwatchnorthamptonshire.co.uk/carersvoice