Secured ServicesYarls Wood IRC is an Immigration Removal Centre housing mainly men and a small number of women awaiting their immigration clearance. We are located in the Bedfordshire countryside.
NHFT Healthcare service offer a range of services for our residents within the centre, deliver by a professional and friendly team who provide a multidisciplinary approach. Included in our team are Primary care healthcare, Mental Health Nurses, Psychology, Psychiatrist nursing, pharmacy. GP'S , Podiatry, physio , Optician , dental services and Sexual health service . We provide 24-hour nursing cover. within the health care team, we have a Nurse Associate, and we support students on placement. Several our nurse are non-medical prescribers
We work in partnership with our secure service colleagues this ensures a multidisciplinary approach, this ensures that patient centred care is at the forefront of the services we delivery at Yarl's Wood. We are extremely passionate about health promotion. we have several health promotion boards throughout health care in within the centre, a number of these are translated to assist the resident and can be found in several different languages. As well we hold a few health promotions events throughout the year.
Health care run several primary care clinics within the centre, from triage, venepuncture to hypertension and long-term conditions, and as required work in collaboratively with the local NHS trust.