Looked After ChildrenWe are an integrated service that consists of physical health and mental health professionals supported by administrative staff. We work very closely with a range of other agencies to ensure that Looked after Children and Young People (LAC) are supported effectively and able to access the support they need. When necessary we use the services of interpreters to ensure that children, young people and their carers are able to communicate freely with us. The service is led by an advanced LAC Co-ordinator and the Named Nurse for LAC.
We offer appointments at this location, for more information about the team visit the Looked After Children webpage by clicking here.
Newland House, Campbell Square, NN1 3EBMap
Contacting us and opening hours
In an emergency, our team has a duty worker who can be contacted Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 4pm. For advice and support:
Call: 03000 270 550
Email: lac.duty@nhft.nhs.uk
Car parking
There are a number of car parks available in Northampton. Please be aware that none of these car parks are operated by NHFT.
The closet is Campbell Square which is a Pay and Display car park directly opposite Campbell, Newland and Lotus Houses.