What is a health visitor?

What is a health visitor?
During your second trimester – weeks 28 to weeks 32 of your pregnancy – our Health Visitor team will contact you.
Our first visit to you is so we can get to know you and see how we can best help you before your baby arrives.
If you are under 18 years and pregnant you may be eligible for our Family Nurse Partnership Programme (FNP).
Learn more about what the FNP.
You can ask your midwife or GP for a referral, or you can contact FNP Northamptonshire by:
Phone: 03000 270616
Email: northamptonshire.fnp@nhs.net
The 0-19 Administration Hub can be contacted by:
- Live Chat (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm)
- Phone (Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm) 08001707055 Option 4
Infant feeding

Infant feeding
Breastfeeding is natural and helps to give your baby the best start. Human milk is tailor-made for your baby. However, you may find you need extra support during you and your baby's feeding journey.
Our team includes:
- Two Infant Feeding Leads (both Lactation Consultants IBCLCs)
- One Infant Feeding Health Visitor
- Four Infant Feeding Advisors
We operate a countywide service, offering face to face appointments.
You can contact us via:
- Phone (please do not text us): 07795 110109 on Monday to Friday, between 9am to 3pm
- Email: infantfeedingteam@nhft.nhs.uk
- You can also ring our 0-19 administration hub: 0800 170 7055 (Mon-Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm)
- Email: CUSAdminHub@nhft.nhs.uk
You can find out more about feeding your baby on our resource hub.
National support and information
National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300 100 0212
National Childbirth Trust (8am-10pm): 0300 330 0771
LA Leche League: 0845 120 2918
Breastfeeding Network: 0300 100 0210
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 0300 330 5453
UNICEF breastfeeding support for parents

Over the course of your child's young life, they will receive a few immunisations which will help to protect them from dangerous childhood diseases.
You can find out more about vaccinations and how old your child will be for each one by visiting the NHS website.
teamNHFT helps to run the flu vaccination programme in schools each year, and we are on hand to offer advice and reassurance if you are concerned or worried about vaccinations.
Click here to view the Children's flu vaccine leaflet [pdf] 55KB
You can find the Flu Vaccination Consent Form here. Please complete the online form to provide consent for your child's vaccination.
Give us your feedback
Have you had your immunisation or been in touch with the School Aged Immunisation Service and want to give NHFT your feedback?
For young people aged 11 to 18, please give us your feedback via this form.
For parents and carers, please give us your feedback via this form.
Feedback is a gift, it tells us what we are doing well, what we need to improve and what we need to change.
Explore NHFT's Children's Resource Hub for immunisation information by age
School nurses

School nurses
Our school nurse team work with children aged between 5 and 19 years old who are attending schools. They offer support on so many different areas of life including:
- encouraging healthy lifestyle choices
- support with emotional wellbeing including services such as Chat Health
- identifying children and young people who may need additiona support

Chat Health
Are you 11-19 years old? You can text a school nurse for free, confidential help and advice!
Just text: 07507 329 600 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm)
Our school nurse team can offer you advice on:
- alcohol and drugs
- body image
- bullying and cyber bullying
- exam anxiety
- family issues
- healthy eating
- mental health
- relationships
- self-harm
- smoking
- social networking
We just want to let you know a little bit about confidentiality. Unless you give permission, a School Nurse will not pass on anything you say to anyone else, like parents, teachers, or other students – except in extreme circumstances like if the health, safety or welfare of you or someone else is at significant risk. If we did need to tell someone about something you had told us, we would always try to speak with you first. For our safety and yours we hold information that you tell us on electronic records that can be seen by other healthcare professionals who all follow the same confidentiality rules - this can include your doctor. Records are kept for future use.
Any questions? Chat to us now click the orange button on the bottom right-hand side of the page
Healthy lifestyles and weight management

Healthy lifestyles and weight management
Our weight management team is made up of individuals who aim to provide families with healthier habits which they can adapt and embed into their day to day lives.

0-19 confidentiality
We just want to let you know a little bit about confidentiality.
Unless you give permission, the 0-19 team will not pass on anything you say to anyone else. This includes parents, teachers, or similar professionals, unless in extreme circumstances like if the health, safety or welfare of you or your young person or someone else is at significant risk.
If we do need to tell someone about something you had told us, we would always try to speak with you first. For our safety and yours we hold information that you tell us on electronic records that can be seen by other healthcare professionals who all follow the same confidentiality rules - this can include your doctor.
Records are kept for future use.
For more information you can read our privacy notice by clicking here.
If you have any questions you can chat to us now click the orange button on the bottom right-hand side of the page.