Conditions that we treat
Conditions that we treat
We treat a wide range of conditions which may include:
- Soft tissue injuries such as muscle strains, ligament sprains and joint injuries
- Orthopaedic conditions such as after fractures or after orthopaedic (bone/joint/muscle) surgery
- Congenital conditions such as clubfoot (talipes equinovarus) where the feet are abnormally positioned
- Acquired brain injury (ABI) & spinal cord injuries after accidents or illness
- Neurodisabilities such as cerebral palsy (CP)
- Neuromuscular conditions such as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Myopathies
- Developmental Co-ordination Disorder/Dyspraxia
- Developmental delays in achieving motor milestones.
Assessments & clinics
Assessments & clinics
Initial assessment appointments take place at Sudborough House, St. Mary’s Hospital, Kettering where we are based. Follow-up appointments for each child can be arranged with their parents/carers in a variety of settings to best meet each child’s needs. These settings include clinics, children’s centres, homes, nurseries, mainstream and special schools. We also offer joint appointments with other professionals e.g. Portage, Occupational Therapists, Health Visitors.
Some children are seen in specialised clinics according to their diagnosis and specific needs. These clinics include:
- DCD (Developmental Co-ordination Disorder)
- Botox injections for children with abnormal muscle tone
- Bobath review clinic
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Talipes (clubfoot) & Torticollis (tight neck muscle)
- Multi-disciplinary Orthopaedic Clinic (bone and joint problems)
- Musculoskeletal (soft tissue and joint problems. Please note - we only see Primary School aged children with musculoskeletal problems. Secondary School aged children are seen by the Adult physiotherapy team - whose website you can access by clicking here.
- Cerebral Palsy Integrated Physiotherapy (CPIP) Clinic (for early identification of orthopaedic problems).
We do not offer as part of our service
- Acute Respiratory Conditions e.g chest infection / acute asthmatic episode. These children should see either their GP or attend A&E. Parents and carers of children with open access to Skylark ward at Kettering General Hospital can contact Paediatric Assessment Unit directly.
- Acute Orthopaedic conditions e.g. bone fracture / soft tissue injuries. Parents and carers of these children should seek medical advice from A&E, Urgent Care Centre or GP.
- Assessment and provision of equipment such as walking frames / crutches for children attending A&E or Fracture clinic. Staff at Kettering General Hospital will provide this equipment.
- Musculoskeletal problems for children of secondary school age without a co-existing long term condition e.g. Cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophies. Refer to the local outpatient Adult Physiotherapy team
- Orthotics e.g braces / insoles / splints and footwear. Professionals (Consultants, GP’s, Occupational therapists and Physiotherapists) can refer directly to Blachford Orthotics Service.
- If you are unsure of whether to refer or not, please contact the local team for advice as to whether a referral to physiotherapy may be the most appropriate course of action. Tel no: 01536 452400.