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Advice, Compliments and Concerns - PALService
PALs is a free and confidential service for people who would like information about, or to comment on, any aspect of the services provided by NHFT Patient advice and liaison service for Northamptonshire Healthcare
If you are a service user, carer, friend or relative, or if you have been affected or are likely to be affected by something the Trust has done, or should have done, you can make a complaint.
TB Nursing Service
Screening for people who have been in contact with a case of TB and investigation of people with symptoms of TB. Screening involves a symptom questionnaire and then possibly blood test, sputum samples or chest X-ray.
Spiritual Wellbeing - The Chaplaincy Service
The Trust’s Chaplains have extensive training in spirituality, religion and mental health. They also have a wide experience of counselling. The Chaplains are supported by a dedicated team of volunteers and Inter-faith partners.
Special School Nursing Team
We are a team of nurses and healthcare assistants who provide the Healthy Child Programme in special educational settings throughout the county, this is a planned series of public health interventions for children and families at school age…
Forensic Team
We work with people who present an active or high specific risk to others, due to their mental health problems or learning disability and, who may have had contact with the criminal justice system.
Our Council of Governors represents the interests of staff, patients, public, service users and carers, as well as other local organisations in the running of our Foundation Trust.
Police Liaison & Triage
The established Police Street Triage car provides a dedicated frontline police officer alongside a mental health professional, collaboratively working to ensure that all service users with mental health issues are effectively supported d…
Sexual health services
As well as providing sexual heatlh screening our service also provides complex contraceptive needs. Integrated Sexual Health Service
Specialist Nursing - Multiple Sclerosis
Our service is available for anyone with a confirmed diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) and their families, living in the north of Northamptonshire. Anyone living in the south of the country should contact their GP for services availab…
Specialist Perinatal Mental Health
Our team provides assessment, preconception advice and psychological intervention for people experiencing moderate to severe mental health conditions during and up to 24 months post pregnancy.
Centre for Neuromodulation
Our services at the Centre for Neuromodulation are all geared to helping patients where traditional forms of treatment with mental health problems, such as depression, have failed.
Centre for Neuromodulation - rTMS
Our services at the centre are all geared to helping service users where standard forms of treatment with mental health problems, such as depression, have failed.
Families, Friends and Carers
We greatly value the very important role that carers play in supporting people who use our services. We want to work in partnership with you to provide the best treatment and support. We also recognise that, on occasions, you also need s…
Mental Health Navigators
As part of the mental health Northamptonshire collaborative (MHNC) our mental health navigation team provides support in the community to help people improve their general wellbeing. Our service is designed for people experiencing difficult…
Text Content
Recognising 'care and dedication' at healthcare awards
It was a night to recognise the inspiring staff who have demonstrated outstanding care and dedication to support patients and colleagues across Northamptonshire.
Accessibility statement
Our statement accessibility
Children's 0-19 Services
We provide the Healthy Child Programme, a planned series of public health interventions for children and families from birth to age 19.
Circle of Security parenting programme
As part of the North Northamptonshire Start for Life and Family Hub provision, the Circle of Security parenting programme offers support for parents to develop their confidence and bonding with their baby.