Equality Act
Equality Act
The Equality Act 2010 applies to all organisations that provide a service to the public.
The Act protects people from being discriminated against because of a certain characteristic. These are known as Protected Characteristics. They are:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race (this includes ethnic or natural origin, colour and nationality)
- Religion or belief
- Sex (male or female)
- Sexual orientation
- Marriage or civil partnership
It is against the law to discriminate against, harass or victimise a person when providing a service or function.
Find out more about the Equality Act online.
Equality Analysis
Equality Analysis
Under the Equality Act 2010, the Trust is required by law to carry out an equality analysis before making any decision. In this we have to ensure that we think about the needs of service users based on their protected characteristics. However, our approach to equality analysis has to be relevant and in proportion, which means focusing on areas that are significant for specific protected groups.
The analysis involves using equality information, as well as talking to people from protected groups and others, to understand the actual effect or the possible effect of the decision. It helps the Trust to take practical steps to tackle any negative effects or discrimination, to advance equality and to foster good relations.
NHS Equality Delivery System 2 (EDS2)
NHS Equality Delivery System 2 (EDS2)
The main purpose of the EDS2 is to help NHS organisations, in discussion with local partners and communities, to review and improve their performance for people with characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010. By using the EDS2, the Trust is further supported to deliver its Public Sector Equality Duty.
There are four EDS2 goals that relate to issues that matter to people who use, and work in, the NHS:
- Better health outcomes for all
- Improved patient outcomes and experience
- A representative and supported workforce
- Inclusive leadership
To view the documents please see below in the document library folder called 'NHS Equality Delivery System 2' .
EDS 2022 - a review of our Chaplaincy Services and Diabetes Services
Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board and NHS partner organisations within Northamptonshire (including NHFT) are proud to work with the Equality Delivery System (EDS) 2022 to ensure we are developing and improving services, free from discrimination, to meet the needs of our patients, service users, communities and our staff.
EDS 2022 is an accountable equality improvement tool that measures equity in services, workforce health & wellbeing and leadership. It helps NHS organisations improve the services they provide for their local communities and provide better working environments, free of discrimination, for those who work in the NHS, while meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
As part of the review of EDS 2022 Domain 1, we will be conducting a review of our Chaplaincy Services and Diabetes Services for the period April 2022 to March 2023.
EDS 2022 Plan for Diabetes and Chaplain Services - April 2022 to March 2023 [pdf] 125KB
The review will look at 4 important elements:-
- 1A Service users have required levels of access to the service;
- 1B Individual service user’s health needs are met;
- 1C When service users use the service, they are free from harm;
- 1D Service users report positive experiences of the service.
We will complete EDS in partnership with our patients, communities and staff who will be invited to be part of focus groups that will score/rate our Chaplaincy and Diabetes Services.
Following the service review of focus groups, Service Improvement Plans will be developed and considered by our various governance processes and shared with key stakeholders.
Patient Equality and Diversity Data
Patient Equality and Diversity Data
Here at NHFT, equality and inclusion is a high priority for us. We believe that understanding the equality and diversity data for those we care for h to improving will help us to improve patient care and outcomes. Understanding our patient and service user backgrounds can make a real difference to the services we provide and care we deliver, making sure that individual needs are considered and patient care remains high quality. This includes patient and service user characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010 above.
Why do we collect this data?
We recognise people may be protective over their personal data and will want to know why it is needed and how we are going to use it. We collect this data for a number of reasons which are outlined below:
- Assurance - we need to be sure that the services we deliver meet our patient groups and we need to identify any disadvantages in our service offering
- Getting it right - we monitor the data collected to inform us, so we are able to provide the correct and high quality care to meet our county’s demographics and needs
- Our duty – we have a statutory (legal) duty as part of the Equality Act 2010 to ensure no-one, including staff, patients, service users, carers and their families is discriminated against through our Trust or the services or care we provide
- Early warning – it helps us identify any trends and early health inequalities, so we can really concentrate on these areas and address any inequalities to make a difference
- Service access – the data helps us to understand who is really accessing our services and who isn’t. It may be that there are specific groups that don’t access our services at all, and we need to understand the reasons for this
- Services of a high standard - The data helps us to provide high quality, culturally sensitive and clinically appropriate services
How do we collect this data?
We collect E&D data through conversations with every patient that accesses our services . This data is important as it is forms part of their patient clinical record, so must be correctly completed and up to date at all times.
Where is the data kept?
All patient data is kept completely confidential. Data is used anonymously to monitor and report on our services to ensure we are providing an equitable and equal service.
How has this data made a difference?
Data like this has made a difference in a number of different projects and initiatives - from engagement projects and community events to services such as our Diabetes Multi-Disciplinary Team and Improving Access to Psychological Therapies. As well as so many more!
Throughout the United Kingdom, evidence showed Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities had worse mental health outcomes and poorer experience of services. For some individuals, limited knowledge of available support and how to access it meant their mental health problems became more difficult to cope with.
In response to this, in 2015 we embarked on our ‘Moving Ahead’ project to improve access and services for BAME communities. Since then, the project has grown significantly, focusing on key areas where there has been a need for change and improvement, as well as launching the community engagement programme in early 2018.
Throughout 2018 we provided Moving Ahead training to local communities which covered challenging subjects such as race equality, racial prejudice, typical assumptions made about BAME communities, unconscious bias and information about how the NHS works and how to access services. A total of over 100 people have attended our Moving Ahead training programme and feedback has been positive. Trainees have come from our own staff body, BAME project members and stakeholder representatives from partner organisations. Find out more about the Moving Ahead project here.
Who should I contact for more information on this?
For more information please contact the equality and inclusion team on EqualityIncusionTeam@nhft.nhs.uk
Equality Objectives 2020 - 2024
Equality Objectives 2020 - 2024
The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) section 149 of the Equality Act (2010) requires public organisations to publish Equality Objectives at least every four years, to show progress in equality for protected groups and beyond. NHFT is dedicated to embedding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in all activities in the Trust.
The Equality Objectives 2020 - 2024 document outlines NHFT’s new Equality Objectives which relate to patients, service users, carers and those working for the Trust. Setting these objectives helps us to show how we continue to meet the needs of our diverse workforce and provide services that improve outcomes and experience for all our protected groups in our local community.
As part of our work to embed equality into health services, we engage with stakeholders which include our Equality Inclusion Assurance Board (EIAB) members, patient experience pathway groups, Patient and Public Experience Steering PEG members which include partner organisations, Volunteers and Governors.
To create our new Equality Objectives 2020-2024, we drew on the experiences and data analysis of patients, services users and the public as we believe that this is needed to shape services that are high quality and are meet the needs of our diverse community.
The Equality Objectives were ratified by the Trust Board on 26 March 2020, read the Trust Board report. We intend to review progress every year in order to identify any emerging needs or issues and adjust our objectives to respond to this.
Gender pay gap reporting
Gender pay gap reporting
Employers in the UK with more than 250 staff are required by law to publish their gender pay gap data. A gender pay gap is the difference between the average hourly earnings of males and females with the figure expressed as a proportion of male earnings, however it is important to note that it is separate from equal (or unequal) pay.
The data for NHFT’s gender pay gap as of March 2021 is highlighted below:
Gender Pay Gap:
Women’s median hourly rate is 6.8% lower than men’s. In other words when comparing median hourly rates, women earn 93p for every £1 that men earn.
Pay Quartiles:
Pay quartiles are calculated by splitting all employees in an organisation into four even groups according to their level of pay. Looking at the proportion of women in each quartile gives an indication of women's representation at different levels of the organisation. Our workforce profile by gender is 85% women, 15% men
Quartile | Female % | Male % |
Lower | 77.5% | 22.5% |
Lower middle | 86.2% | 13.8% |
Upper middle | 82.9% | 17.1% |
Top |
88.5% |
11.5% |
Bonus pay:
Women earn 88p for every £1 that men earn when comparing median bonus pay. Their median bonus pay is 12.5% lower than men’s.
*The bonus pay gap includes bonuses in the form of money, vouchers, securities, securities options, or interests in securities which relate to profit sharing, productivity, performance, incentive or commission.
To view NHFT's full gender pay gap report please click here.
Our staff networks
Our staff networks
NHFT has five staff networks, which have been developed to:
- give staff in the organisation a safe space for discussions
- help raise awareness of issues within the wider organisation
- provide a source of support for individual staff who maybe facing challenges at work
- offer a collective voice for the workforce to communicate with management
Our networks are staff-led communities of interest that help create a more equal place to work. They also support the organisation to deliver real change, improve inclusivity and tackle discrimination.
Each of our staff networks is supported by an executive sponsor, who take a personal interest in the networks and supporting them to achieve their aims.
If you are interested in becoming a member, ally or champion in one or more of the networks, please get in touch using the contact details below.
Disability and Long-Term Conditions Network
For staff who have a disability or long-term condition
This network welcomes disabled people, those with long-term conditions and impairments, and those who have a positive interest in our disabled community. If you are interested in health and wellbeing at work and want to support disability equality, please contact:
Email: Disability.Network@nhft.nhs.uk
Email: equalityinclusionteam@nhft.nhs.uk
Equality and Diversity Champion Network
For staff from any area of our trust who want to actively promote equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights
As a champion, it doesn’t matter what area you work in – clinical or non-clinical – and how you work with NHFT. This network includes staff, students, apprentices, and volunteers. It welcomes all who encourage inclusivity in the workplace and act as role models. If you recognise that people with certain characteristics have different needs and suffer more disadvantage and discrimination than others, and you want to help, please contact us.
Email: EqualityDiversityChampions@nhft.nhs.uk
Email: equalityinclusionteam@nhft.nhs.uk
LGBTQ+ Network
For staff who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and those questioning their identity
This network is open to all including anyone who may also be part of marginalised and underrepresented groups. An example of this is someone who is from an ethnic minority and also identifies as LGBTQ+. It is also for those with a positive interest in diversity and inclusion at NHFT. The network welcomes allies, who are colleagues that will stand with LGBTQ+ colleagues. Please reach out if you want to create a respectful and supportive working environment for all.
Email: LGBT.Network@nhft.nhs.uk
Email: equalityinclusionteam@nhft.nhs.uk
REACH Network
For all ethnic minority staff, including White Ethnic minorities
The Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH) network also welcomes any non-ethnic minority colleagues with an interest in promoting race equality and cultural awareness across the organisation. Please reach out if you are a colleague in our ethnic minority community or want to become a champion of this network.
Email: BAMEnetwork@nhft.nhs.uk
Email: equalityinclusionteam@nhft.nhs.uk
Working Carers Network
For staff who are juggling work with caring responsibilities
You are a carer if you provide unpaid support or look after a family member, friend or partner who needs help due to their age, physical or mental illness or disability. If you are a carer or someone who wants to understand and support carer colleagues, please get in touch.
Email: Workincarersnetwork@nhft.nhs.uk
Email: equalityinclusionteam@nhft.nhs.uk