
All public bodies must treat people from different groups and backgrounds fairly and equally. This could be in our services, our jobs and through the money we spend.

The Equality and Inclusion team looks after all areas of equality, diversity and inclusion, and works to make sure the Trust actively thinks about inclusion in all of its work. The team supports the Trust to meet its legal requirements under the Equality Act 2010, for staff and service users.

We work to ensure that all staff, students, service users and visitors are treated fairly and with dignity and respect. We also work closely with our third sector partners particularly from underrepresented communities, to make sure everyone has a voice and is listened to. 

As a Trust we have a duty to:

  • Stop unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation,
  • Make sure we provide equal opportunities, and
  • Foster good relations. 

Equality Act

Equality Analysis

NHS Equality Delivery System 2 (EDS2)

Patient Equality and Diversity Data

Equality Objectives 2020 - 2024

Gender pay gap reporting

Our staff networks

Accessibility features on our website


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