NHFT Wins Prestigious National Awards for Employee Experience and Wellbeing

Congratulations to Team NHFT - A fantastic week of awards!
Read NHFT Wins Prestigious National Awards for Employee Experience and Wellbeing …Congratulations to Team NHFT - A fantastic week of awards!
Read NHFT Wins Prestigious National Awards for Employee Experience and Wellbeing …We're looking for outstanding qualified and newly qualified nurses to join our community nursing team.
Read Are You an Outstanding Community Nurse? Join Us on 12th October …Take a look at our stats and compliments for the month of August...
Read August 2019 iWGC and compliments - making a difference...everyday…You can now book on to some of the many recovery college courses that NHFT has on offer to aid with your recovery.
Find out more here...
Read Your New Recovery College Prospectus is here…At NHFT, we value respect, dignity and compassion, and prioritise keeping everyone safe. It is our ambition to reduce the use of restraint where we can.
Read The difference we're making: restraint reduction…We've invested in an evidence- based sensory pathway, which includes innovative sensory rooms available at our inpatient mental health wards. This really makes a difference to our patients, who find it helps them to manage their emotions and behaviours.
Read The difference we're making: sensory rooms…Have you experienced services from The Police, Ambulance, Social Services, NHS or the third sector?
Read Northamptonshire Crisis Care Concordat - come along and share your experiences!…