Latest NHFT Updates — articles for August 2018

We have been rated Outstanding by Care Quality Commission

CQC logo
  • Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT), the county’s NHS mental health and community healthcare provider, has been rated as Outstanding following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
  • NHFT is now the third mental health Trust in the country to receive this impressive rating and only the second to receive it as a Trust who also provide community and integrated care alongside mental health care
  • The CQC praised the Trust’s staff on embracing vision and values of the organisation as well as the strong leadership in place which has been reflected in the Well-led rating of outstanding.
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Non Executive Directors (advert)

Image of staff in discussion

We are seeking to recruit two Non-Executive Directors to join our well established Board. Integral to our success, they will help drive forward our strategy to build a strong, sustainable organisation that provides joined up pathways of care that meet the individual needs of our patients. Whether a first-time NED or not, we are willing to consider senior individuals with board-level experience from the public or private sectors with the vision and expertise to play a pivotal role in the success of the Trust.

Read Non Executive Directors (advert)…