Latest NHFT Updates — articles for November 2020

Are you worrying about how you can afford Christmas?

Gingerbread on snow with Christmas tree, thinking about a money box with coin

Often this time of year can come with financial pressures, which can cause stress and anxiety if you are worried about how you can afford Christmas.

If you’re feeling under pressure, we want you to know that’s okay and our changing minds IAPT service is here to provide support if you need a helping hand to feeling like you again.

Read Are you worrying about how you can afford Christmas?…

Find out more about our innovative track and trace system from James Mullins, Assistant Director of Clinical Quality

Man in shirt writing on paper on desk with laptop

The current pandemic has meant that NHS trusts across the country have had to quickly and efficiently adapt to new ways of working, to keep our colleagues and patients and service users safe.

Read Find out more about our innovative track and trace system from James Mullins, Assistant Director of Clinical Quality…