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Trust recognised in a run of prestigious national awards

Image for latest update 31/10/17

NHFT are celebrating a run of success in four separate top national award schemes.

Steph Buswell from the Children’s and Young people Response Team based at Isebrook Hospital has won the Our Health Heroes Clinical Support Worker of the Year award for the East Midlands Region.

She now goes through to the finals and the result will be announced at a ceremony at the OXO Tower in London on Tuesday, November 21.

Steph was nominated for her work in preventing a young person from taking their own life.

She was contacted by the young person who was on the roof of a car park, and whilst listening and contacting both their mother and the police she managed to talk them down to safety and to her office in Wellingborough where they were reunited with family.

Steph said: “It is a real privilege to have been nominated and recognised in this way. In truth I feel I was just doing my job and I feel very grateful that this young person was brave enough to pick up the phone.

“Mental health services can often be overlooked for recognition and I truly believe that any of my colleagues would have done the same, without the dedication of the whole team none of the work we do would be possible.”

To vote for Steph to become overall Clinical Support Worker of the Year for the UK please visit

The Trust is also celebrating being shortlisted for the prestigious HSJ Trust Provider of the Year award.

They are up against seven others including Moorfields Eye Hospital and Alder Hey Children’s Trust for the award which recognises those offering excellent patient-centred care.

Chief Executive Angela Hillery said: “This combination of awards is recognition of staff commitment to quality improvement across the organisation that makes a difference to people’s lives.

“Steph’s personal recognition is a credit to her for what she does every day and I am proud of her and everyone within the trust for these nominations.”

The Trust will find out the result at the ceremony in London on November 22.

The next day (November 23) the results of the 2017 Penguin award will be announced by the Academy of Fabulous Stuff, the organisers behind events such as NHS Change Week.

The award recognises problem solving through outstanding teamwork and the Trust’s Children’s Referral Management Centre (RMC) scooped the monthly award in September for their work in making referrals faster and easier. (See notes for more details)

To vote for our Children’s RMC please visit

You can skip any categories you don’t want to vote in and just vote in the penguin category for ‘Making Referrals Easier Northants’.

Later, on November 30, the Trust will also find out if it has won a coveted Global Equality and Diversity award after being nominated in the category which recognises outstanding research.

The ‘Moving Ahead’ project was launched to address inequalities and improve mental health services for BME communities.

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