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January IWGC and compliments - making a difference... everyday

Look at the difference we are making
Every month, we are going to bring together the overall I Want Great Care rating for the Trust, compliments received via other methods to our services and teams, as well as some of the positive feedback and quotes we receive from patients, service users and carers every day. 
We want to share this ‘feel good’ feedback with you all, so you can join us in congratulating our staff for making a difference! 
In January we received 2,405 pieces of feedback on I Want Great Care which gave us an overall rating of 4.79 out of 5 stars, with 94.2% of patients, service users or carers recommending NHFT as a place to receive care. 
We also received 210 compliments in January via other methods! These compliments can be anything from thank you cards to letters and words of praised recorded on our system by individual teams and services. Another great way to showcase the great work our staff are doing in day in, day out. 
There is so much positive feedback, we don’t have room to share them all. We have highlighted just a few of the amazing compliments and feedback we received in January below:
“A very pleasant and stress free experience at the NISH Kettering. The staff were all very friendly and welcoming and made me feel at ease. They answered all my questions I had in a considerate and caring manner. Results were received in the time frame I was told. I had a very unpleasant experience at the centre 10 years previously, but it seems completely different there now e.g better organised, new staff etc.  Free condoms were provided also! Would definitely return if I felt the needed to use the service again.” (Integrated Sexual Health Services, Kettering.)
“It was friendly, kind, genuine and respectful-a pleasant surprise!  Everything explained and treatment discussed.” (ECT rTMS, Berrywood Hospital)
“Brett. I just thought I would email you as I was having a 1:1 with X and his mum at the weekend. X spoke very highly of you and is genuinely so grateful for the time you have given him since his admission to hospital.    He feels he has built up a very good relationship with you and expressed how much you have helped him and been there for him at the lowest point in his life.  He has enjoyed mindfulness and feels this part of his therapy has helped him a lot. I thought I would email you as he was saying such kind things and I believe you have genuinely been a massive part of his recovery. I have documented this on system 1.” Occupational Therapy, Avocet Ward 
“A very big thank you for taking me on with all that’s been going on. You have been an amazing Educator / Mentor. You have guided me and questioned me and push me and from that my confidence in myself has grown. I admire your balance of dedicated and reality.” 3rd year OT student to Alison Philllips 

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