More success! NHFT receive the Workplace Wellbeing Charter accreditation

Our successes and celebrations continue this week after the Trust achieved the Workplace Wellbeing Charter accreditation on 17 November 2017. This is a great achievement for the Trust and a big thank you goes to all those involved as a lot of hard work has been put in which has been reflected in the results.
This accreditation demonstrates just how important our workforces health and wellbeing is to us and our on-going commitment to make our workplace a supportive and productive environment. These standards reflect best practice and are endorsed nationally by Public Health England.
The Charter takes a holistic approach that includes leadership, culture and communication, as well as health and wellbeing topics such as physical activity, alcohol and mental health. The framework promotes rounded discussions between employer and employees about health, safety and wellbeing.
The feedback from the two site visits and staff focus groups was really positive and it was great that we had a day specifically set aside for community staff for their feedback. It was really encouraging to hear so many strengths and areas of good practice highlighted as part of the accreditation, one in particular being ‘leadership’ which was just one of the areas which received the top result of ‘excellent’. During the staff interview process the large majority of staff members commented on how well supported they felt by the organisation and a consistent theme being peer support and a friendly and supportive culture. As well as training and development opportunities and staff feel their health and wellbeing is important to the organisation with a wide range of health and wellbeing initiatives available.
The attitude of the staff team and the motivation to provide high quality services to patients and service users was clear throughout the assessment process and is to be commended. It’s clear from the overall feedback that NHFT are focussed on staff health and wellbeing and that staff are becoming more and more aware of this, a great achievement for us as a trust.