Northamptonshire County Cricket Club and NHFT team up to ‘stump out’ mental health stigma

Reports state nearly half of adults believe that, in their lifetime, they have had a diagnosable mental health problem, yet only a third have received a diagnosis1. Encouraging individuals to speak out when experiencing mental ill health helps to reduce stigma attached to having a mental health diagnosis and gives others the confidence to seek the help and support they need.
Angela Hillery, Chief Executive at NHFT said: “It is estimated that 1 in 6 people in the past week have experienced a common mental health problem2 – everyone has mental health including our sporting heroes. We are delighted to be teaming up with Northamptonshire County Cricket Club to raise awareness of mental health and the services available. It is crucial that people are aware of the support available to them and access support as soon as possible.
“We want everyone who supports the Steelbacks to also support their own mental health by talking about their mental health and wellbeing as well as know that it is okay to receive support from mental health services.
“There are many mental health services available without the need to see your GP first. Services such as Changing Minds IAPT or Crisis Cafes provide early intervention for individuals who need support or are in a crisis.”
Changing Minds IAPT is a service available for those who are suffering with low mood, depression, anxiety, poor sleep or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to name a few. The service provides support to those over the age of 17 and a half. Individuals can register with the service by calling 0300 999 1616 (9 to 5 weekdays) or by filling in an online form
For individuals who are in a crisis or need support with their mental health outside of 9 to 5 hours can drop in to mental health crisis cafes which are run in partnership between MIND and NHFT. The Crisis Cafés provide support to anyone 18 and over in Northants. There is no need to call and book an appointment, simply drop in to one of the locations to receive support. For all locations, dates and times please visit:
1 Mental Health Foundation. (2016). Fundamental Facts About Mental Health 2016. Mental Health Foundation: London.
2 McManus S, Bebbington P, Jenkins R, Brugha T. (eds.) (2016) Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014. Leeds: NHS Digital. Available at: [Accesed 5 October 2016]