Leicestershire Partnership Trust (LPT) and Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust (NHFT) buddy up to celebrate South Asian Heritage Month

Asha Day and Doris Addo, LPT BAME network chair and NHFT BAME network chair, hosted the Microsoft Teams session and colleagues shared memories from their backgrounds, cultures and childhoods.
The first ever South Asian Heritage Month takes place from 18 July – 17 August, and aims to raise the profile of British-South Asian History in the UK through education, arts, culture and commemoration, with the goal of helping people to better understand the diversity of present-day Britain, as well as improving levels of social cohesion between the various communities.
Over the next three weeks NHFT and LPT will be hosting weekly sessions for staff to celebrate South Asian culture, focusing on health and wellbeing, religion and festivals.
Angela Hillery, Chief Executive at LPT and NHFT, said: “At NHFT and LPT we are fortunate to have a rich and diverse culture across our organisations and communities, and we are delighted to celebrate South Asian Heritage Month.
“Our BAME network aims to raise awareness of black, Asian and minority ethnic groups across the Trusts, and we are proud to be supporting this campaign. We look forward to celebrating South Asian culture over the next three weeks, and continuing to celebrate our wonderful diverse cultures.”
Dr Shahid Latif Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director of adult and forensic mental health services at NHFT, is supporting South Asian Heritage Month. As the chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Transcultural Special Interest Group which is joining in the celebrations, has shared his experiences here.
To find out more about South Asian Heritage Month, visit: https://www.mminquarantine.com/south-asian-heritage-month