NHFT's incident coordination achievements | Our latest updates

NHFT's incident coordination achievements

TEAMNhft ICC achievements and rainbow cartoon

The Incident Co-ordination Centre (ICC) is the central Trust team that meets every day to manage our ongoing response, and is staffed by representatives from key corporate, admin, support and operational teams. As we are moving through the recovery stage of the COVID-19 pandemic incident, we wanted to reflect on the achievements of the Trust's ICC over the past months -  and so we share this interesting view of our ICC Achievements with you all_A4 v5.pdf [pdf] 188KB

Keep an eye on the NHFT website for more case studies and articles about the difference that all NHFT colleagues are making, including some incredible achievements by our operational teams. We've already shared case studies on redeployment and working on Favell Wing; the adaptions of our Perinatal Mental Health team; our groundbreaking PPE team, and we've celebrated our Hospitality Assistants ... and there's lots more to come.  

Some interesting statistics from our ICC include:

  • We recruited 148 Hospitality Assistant staff in 18 days, to support our teams, services and the local community
  • We made 60 NHFT colleagues PPE Safety Officers
  • We've held 2,500 internal meetings on Microsoft Teams... and counting!

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