
Sunday 5 June, the last day of the jubilee bank holiday, is all about saying Thank You to our colleagues, friends, relatives, carers, volunteers and communities. With it being such a busy time, it is often easy to forget to say thank you to those closest and a big thank you can go such a long way! So, national #ThankYouDay is the perfect reminder to do just this, say thank you to those around you who make a big difference in your life or have done something that you appreciate, no matter how big or small!
So how can you say Thank-You?
NHSE/I and Together Coalition are leading on communication activity for the 2022 “Thank-you Day” on Sunday 5 June 2022. So, why not join millions of people on this special day and share a verbal thank you in person or over the phone, send a text, tag them on social media – don’t forget to use #ThankYOUDay.
Visit https://thankyouday.org.uk/ for more information.