Have you got time to talk?

Have you been feeling lethargic, tired and lacking in energy recently? Changes in your physical health can be a sign that you’re experiencing difficulty with your mental health and could benefit from speaking to someone.
Time to talk day, taking place on 3 February, is an annual awareness day which aims to encourage to speak about how they’re feeling and discuss mental health.
Mental health difficulties can affect any one of us at any time, and sometimes we may need support to help us manage these issues. Lee Johnson, Clinical Supervisor for NHFT’s IAPT Talking Therapies service, said:
“At times, it can be obvious that we need mental health support but sometimes signs can go unnoticed. Mental health issues can also show up as physical symptoms, such as headaches, nausea, or heartburn. As well as changes in sleeping or eating habits which have lasted over two weeks, tiredness, irritability, feeling low in mood, lacking motivation and not being able to switch off from thoughts or troubling images.
“It is important to recognise that we will all experience our own mental health challenges, and how you are feeling will be different to anyone else, but please know that there is support available to provide you with advice and guidance.
“We understand that approaching a professional about your mental health can be difficult if you’re not sure where to start. You may feel reluctant talking to family, friends or work colleagues about how you feel; but sharing how we feel can sometimes be helpful in itself.
“Unfortunately not everyone has someone that they can talk with or feel comfortable confiding in. Either way, you may benefit from talking with a trained mental health professional who can listen in confidence and offer ongoing talking therapy. There is support available, and we are here to listen.”
NHFT offers a wide range of mental health services for people of all ages. IAPT (Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies) Talking Therapies Northants work with adults over 17.5 years in Northamptonshire, offering talking therapies, either via video sessions or telephone.
Not sure if the service is right for you? IAPT is now offering welcome webinars which provide you with the opportunity to find out more about the types of support they provide and whether this might be for you. Take the first step and sign up today www.nhft.nhs.uk/iapt
The Mental Health Number provides mental health support any time, any day by calling 0800 448 0828 (support available 24 hours a day, seven days a week) or contact the Samaritans on 116123. Further details of support can be found at: www.nhft.nhs.uk/help