Let’s talk about menopause

IAPT Talking Therapies Northants is offering webinars to support people across the county to help manage symptoms of menopause, such as anxiety and low mood.
Starting on Wednesday 27 April between 6pm-7pm, the webinars will run for eight weeks and offer practical advice and support on the mental health difficulties which can be associated with menopause.
Approximately 13 million women in the UK are either peri- or post-menopausal with almost half of menopausal women saying they feel depressed and a third of women saying they suffer with anxiety.
IAPT, which offer a wide-range of talking therapies, guided self-help and group support, works with people aged 17.5 years and over in Northamptonshire to find the right care for them.
The webinars will look at anxiety and depression in the context ofmMenopause – covering psycho-education, lifestyle factors, behaviour activation, cognitive restructuring (thought challenging), worry management and prevention.
Sessions can be attended live or watched back at a time convenient to you. IAPT will be offering webinars in future, so please check back for regular updates.
To find out more about webinars, take the first step and register for support by clicking here and completing the online form.