Are you feeling overwhelmed with worry and stress this Christmas? | Our latest updates

Are you feeling overwhelmed with worry and stress this Christmas?

Santa and Reindeer on snowy background with fir trees

Is the Christmas food shopping booked? Did I order the last Christmas presents? There is a lot to think about this time of year, and it can become overwhelming at times. We want you know that if you have been worrying over the small things this Christmas, that’s okay.

Our Changing Minds IAPT service offers talking therapies to provide you with mental wellbeing support and help you to manage your worry and stress, you can refer yourself via the website at any time.

We have put together some advice on how you can manage your wellbeing and worries this festive season:

  1. It’s important for you not to feel under pressure to feel a certain way around Christmas be kind to yourself.
  2. Complete a worry list, write down everything that is worrying you then consider each one, can you do anything about it? Is it in your control? If not cross it off then focus on one worry you can do something about and set yourself a small goal to start to challenge this worry.
  3. Being open with your friends and family can often help with expectations it may be that you are worrying about this but you are predicting how people feel rather than it being a fact. Be honest about the pressure you are feeling this can help you with your worry.
  4. Is it only Christmas spirit you are not feeling or have you felt this way for a while? Have you noticed you have stopped doing things because of how you are feeling? If yes then reflect on what has changed recently and is there a small change you could make that could improve your mood? For example a better bed time routine or prioritising self-care.
  5. It’s okay just not to like the Christmas period, its stressful and busy, take time for yourself to breathe and do something that you enjoy that doesn’t involve Christmas.

NHFT’s Changing Minds IAPT team are here to support you, a loved one, friend or colleague in the run up to Christmas. The service is for anyone over the age of 17 and a half and living in Northamptonshire. Speak to the team by visiting and complete the short online form or call 0300 999 1616 (9 to 5 weekdays).

For mental wellbeing support 24 hours a day, seven days a week contact NHFT and mental health charity, Mind colleagues on 0800 448 0828. The mental health number is available for anyone facing mental health problems or in a crisis. To find out more about mental health services across Northamptonshire, visit:

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