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A message from our Chief Executive - winter pressures


A message to all colleagues and partners from our Chief Exeuctive


Dear colleagues

Across the NHS in the last week we have seen some of the most extreme pressure we have ever faced. An unprecedented number of people are attending local A&E and the strain has been felt across the system.

While here at NHFT we might not all see the same immediate pressures that our acute colleagues are seeing in A&E, I know we also feel the pressure of this situation as we work together during this challenging time.

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you, thank you to all colleagues and partners who are making a positive difference. I know nationally and locally colleagues in the NHS are going above and beyond to help keep patients, service user and carers safely in the community as well as looking after each other and staying resilient.

I also want to say a special thank you to colleagues in our adult planned and unplanned care teams who have seen a very significant increase in the number of referrals that they are receiving. Without your dedication, commitment and highly skilled interventions, alongside your work in partnership with primary care, these patients would have been admitted to hospital. You have made the difference for these patients and for our acute and primary care colleagues.

Remember the NHS is a fantastic institution, this is because of your enduring hard work and dedication, thank you.

Keep making a difference.

Kind regards



Chief Executive



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