1001 Critical Days
1001 Critical Days
The 1001 Critical Days is an initiative that looks at the time between a child’s conception and their second birthday.
This time is very important.
Your baby will experience rapid growth and, the interactions they have with you and those around you will help to shape their brains. This will lay the foundations for their future development.
You can read more about 1001 Critical Days strategy online.
The 0-19 Administration Hub can be contacted by:
- Live Chat (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm)
- Phone (Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm) 08001707055 Option 4
Strong Start Team
The Strong Start team is a group of skilled early years’ professionals who work with our NHFT Health Visitors and Infant Feeding teams across our county. They help to support families with children under 5 years to understand the 1001 Critical Days initiative.
The Strong Start Team can help:
- Signpost or refer to health services including the stop smoking team
- Provide information and access to local support groups
- Help to set up support groups in your community
- Help to assess eligibility with early education and childcare costs for 2 years olds
Find out more about the Strong Start Team’s service and programmes on offer.
You can contact the Strong Start team:
Phone: 07880 136070
Email: strongstartteam@westnorthants.gov.uk
Attaching in the early days
Attaching in the early days
Babies and young children need to feel secure and loved. It is normal for them to need to be held for most of the time, and need you to help them to sleep. Babies are hard-wired to stay close to their main caregiver, as this is their survival instinct. They will also need to feed frequently. Although this is all normal it can be hard for new parents - so getting help is important. Responding to their needs, and keeping them close develops their brain and helps them to build secure attachment with you. This in turn leads to more happy and relaxed babies and confident children
Having a baby can be feel tough at times. The way they communicate might not always feel like it makes sense and it can be hard and frustrating trying to understand what they want. Please know you are not alone in this feeling.
Online resources
Read our NHFT Antenatal information online
NSPCC – Handle with care: a guide
Crying support
Crying can be a stressful experience for both you and your baby. As babies can’t communicate what they want they tend to cry for a few reasons including:
- they are hungry
- they need comforting
- they need to be close to you
- they can get scared when they are put down
- they are tired
- they are too cold or too hot
- they might be bored
- they might have a dirty nappy
The NHS website has a number of top tips for helping to soothe a crying baby.
ICON have some helpful comfort techniques for babies and crying.
Your emotional wellbeing
Your emotional wellbeing
Having a baby is a whirlwind of emotions that don’t always feel like they make sense.
If you are feeling worried, sad, or depressed talk to your GP, midwife, health visitor or call The Mental Health Number on 0800 448 0828.
You are not alone in these feelings and it is important to share them.
The Emotional changes during pregnancy and following childbirth booklet offers advice on emotional wellbeing during pregnancy and beyond.
If you are struggling with your mental health, you can contact services such as our NHS Northamptonshire Talking Therapies or our 24/7 Mental Health Number.
Our Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Team provides advice, assessment and specialist intervention for women experiencing moderate to severe mental health conditions during pregnancy and up to 12 months after having a baby. This service does not accept self-referrals so please speak to your health professional if you would like to be referred.
The 0-19 Administration Hub can be contacted by:
- Live Chat (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm)
- Phone (Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm) 08001707055 Option 4
There are lots of things you can do to stay healthy and to care for your wellbeing, such as:
- Gentle exercise such as swimming, yoga or going for a walk with friends.
- Treat yourself: a bubbly bath or a cuppa with friends.
- Try mindfulness or meditation.
- Breathing techniques to help you relax.
- Talk to your healthcare professional or health visitor if you are finding things difficult.
- Perinatal Positivity
Perinatal Positivity is a website that brings the voices and experiences of women and men who have had mental wellbeing difficulties during pregnancy and beyond. They have a useful self-care section which can help you look after your mental wellbeing.
Your baby at 4 months
Your baby at 4 months
Parents tell us that when their baby reaches around 4 months old they can feel confused about things like changing sleep and when to start offering solid foods.
Your 0-19 (health visiting) team has put this information together to answer some of your questions.
If you would like any more advice, please contact us by calling the 0-19 Admin Hub on 0800 170 7055 (choose Option 4 and ask for the Duty Health Visitor — open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm). You can also use our live chat facility.
Solid food
We recommend that you start offering your baby some solid foods alongside their usual milk when they have developed the 3 signs of readiness – babies usually start showing these around 6 months of age (if your baby was born prematurely or you are not sure if they are showing these signs please contact us).
Signs of readiness
- Sitting well (may still need some support) and holding their head steady
- Able to look at food, bring it to their mouth and put the food in their mouth
- Able to swallow food rather than push it out
Unfortunately, many commercial baby foods (in jars and pouches) are labelled ‘suitable from 4 months old’. However giving solids too early — before baby’s digestive system is ready — increases the risk of infection and allergies. NHS guidance has advised starting around 6 months of age for over 20 years now! We encourage you to offer your baby a variety of home cooked family foods and eat as a family together. Find more guidance on the NHS website.
At around 4 months of age, babies start showing some behaviours that can be wrongly interpreted as needing solids. These include:
- Being very interested in watching people eat
- Chewing their fists
- Waking more frequently at night and increasing their milk feeds
These are all normal behaviours and are related to baby’s rapid brain development. Giving solids early will not help babies sleep for longer.
This animation explains more about this normal baby behaviour, and contains everything you need to know to get started.
Milk feeds
Until your baby is 6 months old, they need milk feeds only — either breastmilk or first-stage formula milk. After 6 months, milk is still a very important part of their diet. You should continue to offer the breast, or responsively bottle feed and offer solids alongside their milk — this way your baby will take the milk they need and gradually build up their solid food intake.
Sleeping patterns often change around 4 months of age, which can feel challenging for parents — but it is a normal stage of development. It is normal for babies to wake frequently and need to be cuddled or have a milk feed to help settle them back to sleep. It can be helpful to think about sleep as being like other skills that babies learn when they are developmentally ready — like walking and talking.
We hope these links will help you to cope with your baby’s sleep. Please contact the Duty Health Visitor (call 0800 170 7055, choose Option 4 and ask for the Duty Health Visitor — open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm — or use our live chat facility) if you would like more support.
- Normal sleep development — Baby Sleep Info Source (Basis)
- Coping with sleep deprivation as a new parent — The Lullaby Trust
- Document: Caring for your baby at night and when sleeping — UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative
It is important you continue to follow safe sleep advice to reduce the risk of sudden infant death (SIDS). The advice from the Lullaby Trust applies until your baby is 12 months old and can be found here:
- How to reduce the risk of SIDS for your baby — The Lullaby Trust
- Co-sleeping with your baby — The Lullaby Trust
Playing with your baby
Babies are developing so many skills around this age. They don’t need expensive toys — you are their favourite person. Here are some ideas for play activities for babies aged from 3 to 6 months:
For some babies, teeth suddenly appear! Others seem to show some symptoms in the days or weeks before a tooth appears. Baby’s first tooth usually arrives between 4 and 12 months of age. It’s important to start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as one starts to break through the gumline. You should use a baby toothbrush and a smear of fluoride toothpaste (adult paste is fine, no need to buy special baby ones).
Find out more about how to help your baby if they are teething and how to care for their teeth here on the NHS website.
Your emotional wellbeing
Postnatal depression and/or anxiety affects at least one in 10 new mothers and can appear any time in the first 12 months after your baby is born.
If you have concerns about your emotional wellbeing, please talk to someone — it is never too early or too late to share your worries. Your midwife, GP or health visitor can listen and refer you to specialist services if needed — such as the Perinatal Mental Health Team — so you get the appropriate support.
You can also refer yourself for additional support from Northamptonshire NHS Talking Therapies .
The Mental Health Number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for anyone living in Northamptonshire who needs support with their mental health. Call 0800 448 0828.
Domestic abuse
If you are concerned about domestic abuse, please talk this through with a trusted professional and find more information online from the Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service .
In the months after a baby is born, domestic abuse can start or get worse. It is never your fault.
More support
- If you need advice about your baby’s growth and development please contact the Duty Health Visitor via the 0-19 Admin Hub on 0800 170 7055 (Option 4, open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm) or via Live Chat
- We also have an Infant Feeding Helpline — call 07795 110109 (open Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm)
- If you have an urgent health concern please call NHS 111 for advice
- You can find the Northamptonshire Health Visitors team on social media on Facebook and Instagram
- The Strong Start Team runs free classes across Northamptonshire, including sessions about introducing solids, play, first aid and sleep
- You can also register with the local Infant Feeding Peer Support service and get support from other parents who have breastfed their babies
Free access to the Anya app
Anya is a digital tool that gives parents and carers 24/7 access to evidence-based information about their pregnancy and caring for their baby. It includes 3D latching animations, webinars, online communities and the 24-hour 'Ask Anya' feature. All information provided through the app is evidence-based and complies with NHS guidance.
Full premium access to the app is available to all families in North Northamptonshire for three months. This includes asking Anya unlimited questions and direct access to a feeding specialist, as well as a library of resources and exclusive online communities. Download the Anya app and redeem the special offer for North Northamptonshire residents.
Families in West Northamptonshire can still benefit from the free version of the Anya app, which provides access to many of the articles and webinars, some of the online communities and allows users to ask Anya up to 5 questions in 24 hours. Download the Anya app.
As a baby, your child should have a few immunisations to protect them from childhood diseases. Immunisations can be called vaccinations or more simply jabs.
You can get your baby immunised at your local GP practice, and it will normally be done by the practice nurse. On the day of your baby’s immunisation, the nurse will ask you a few questions to make sure your baby is well enough to have their jabs that day. If your baby is unwell, they will organise a new appointment time for you.
Please take your Personal Child Health Record ('red book') with you so your child's record can be updated.
Missed immunisation appointments
If your baby has missed any of their immunisations for any reason, please contact your GP surgery, who will be able to book them in.
You can contact the 0-19 admin hub by live chat or give the team a call on: 0800 170 7055 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) if you would like some more information.
The immunisation schedule
8 weeks
- 6-in-1 vaccine
This jab protects against six diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis), polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b (known as Hib – a bacterial infection that can cause severe pneumonia or meningitis in young children) and Hepatitis B. - Pneumococcal (PCV) vaccine
The pneumococcal vaccine protects against serious and potentially fatal pneumococcal infections. It's also known as the pneumonia vaccine. - Rotavirus vaccine
Rotavirus is an infectious stomach bug that typically strikes babies and young children, causing diarrhoea, vomiting, tummy ache and fever. The vaccine is given as a liquid straight into the baby’s mouth for them to swallow. - Meningitis B (MenB) vaccine
The MenB vaccine protects your baby against infection by meningococcal group B bacteria, which are responsible for more than 90% of meningococcal infections in young children.
12 weeks
16 weeks
Vaccination side effects
It's natural to worry about potential side effects of immunisations. All vaccinations have the potential to cause side effects, and these are usually only mild and do not last longer than a few days.
Most common side effects in babies and young children are at the site of the injection. They include:
- swelling
- redness
- a small hard lump
These symptoms usually pass within a couple of days and you do not need to do anything about them. Sometimes, babies can develop high temperatures too, and if this happens try to you’re your baby cool.
Read the NHS What to expect about vaccination leaflet about the common side effects that might occur in babies and children under 5, and how to treat them.
Anti-vaxxers movement
We know there is information on the internet around a movement called the anti-vaxxers which includes opinions on certain vaccinations being linked to autism, or the ‘overloading’ of a person’s system. This information is not based on fact and has no scientific research behind it.
Vaccinations are an important and crucial way you can keep your child safe as well as helping to keep your community safe too.
Illnesses such as smallpox were driven to near extinction because people were vaccinated – unfortunately we are now starting to see an increase in certain illnesses that had been thought to be almost eradicated due to people not vaccinating their children or themselves.
If you do have concerns about vaccinating your child, we encourage you to speak to your healthcare professional who will help to answer any questions or concerns you might have.
Breastfeeding and infant feeding
Breastfeeding and infant feeding
Our team
Breastfeeding is natural and helps to give your baby the best start. Human milk is tailor-made for your baby. However, you may find you need extra support during you and your baby's feeding journey.
Our team includes:
- Two Infant Feeding Leads (both Lactation Consultants IBCLCs)
- One Infant Feeding Health Visitor
- Four Infant Feeding Advisors
We operate a countywide service, offering face to face appointments.
You can contact us via:
- Phone (please do not text us): 07795 110109 on Monday to Friday, between 9am to 3pm
- Email: infantfeedingteam@nhft.nhs.uk
- You can also ring our 0-19 administration hub: 0800 170 7055 (Mon-Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm)
- Email: CUSAdminHub@nhft.nhs.uk
It is important that you and your baby achieve a comfortable, deep latch at the breast. This means feeding is pain free and your baby gets plenty of milk.
These resources will show you more about this:
- Attaching Your Baby at the Breast - Video - Global Health Media Project
- UNICEF's Breastfeeding leaflet (unicef.org.uk)
- Unicef UK Baby Friendly Initiative | Positioning and attachment
If you need more support, you can contact your midwife, health visitor or our infant feeding team.
The National Breastfeeding Helpline is also available for support. They have an online chat function, social media and a telephone number available Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 9:30pm on 0300 100 0212
They also offer support in Polish, Bengali & Sylheti.
Breastfeeding Journeys - hear from families we have supported
Bottle feeding
Your midwife, health visitor or our infant feeding team can support you with bottle feeding your baby.
Preparing formula milk should follow the How to make up baby formula NHS guidance. This is important to help reduce the risk of your baby becoming unwell.
We recommend a technique called paced responsive bottle feeding which involves holding your baby close, offering the milk at their pace and with early feeding cues.
You can ask your midwife or health visitor for more information.
- UNICEF's bottle feeding leaflet
- UNICEF's infant formula and responsive feeding leaflet
- Infant Milk Information website
Introducing Solids
We recommend that you exclusively breastfeed, for the first six months. Babies need only human milk or first stage formula until this age. They can then have solid food alongside their usual milk.
From around six months old babies start to show signs that they are ready to try solid food.
These signs include:
- sitting (with support from you) and good head control
- able to pick up food and bring it to their mouth
- reduced tongue thrust (this is a reflex where babies will push food out of their mouth with their tongue)
Introducing solids can be an exciting time for you and your baby, but it can also feel overwhelming and sometimes a bit frustrating. It is important to remember that introducing solid food is a gradual and sometimes slow process. Babies will need milk as their most important source of nutrition until they are around 12 months old.
We've added some additional information below to help you on you and your baby's solids journey:
- NHS website - Your baby's first solid foods
- First Steps Nutrition Trust website: Eating well: the first year A guide to introducing solids and eating well up to baby's first birthday
- First Steps Nutrition Trust website: Infants & new mums
- 10 Top Tips for Introducing Your Baby To Solid Foods - YouTube
Please contact your health visitor or our infant feeding team if you have any questions about solid food and your little one.
Blood spot testing
Blood spot testing
When your baby is five days old you will be offered the blood spot test. This is also known as the heel prick test.
The Government website has some useful information about the blood spot test which will help you to understand more about its importance.
You can find different translations of the blood spot test information on the government website.
Minor illnesses
Minor illnesses
Minor illnesses usually resolve on their own and can often be managed at home. When your baby gets sick it can feel quite scary and overwhelming.
There are different types of minor illnesses and it is possible your baby might pick one up, but you can speak to your GP, local pharmacy, midwife, or health visitor if you are worried.
Be aware that antibiotics DO NOT work for a viral infection and if your child has a viral infection, please go to your local pharmacy for advice.
You can contact the 0-19 admin hub by live chat or give the team a call on: 0800 170 7055 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm).
As your baby grows and develops it's likely they might suffer from one or more minor illnesses. Usually these sort themselves out on their own, but it is important when your baby is feeling poorly that you keep an eye on them and let your health visitor, GP or midwife know if you have any concerns or questions.
Information on colds, coughs, and ear infections
Information on Diarrhoea and vomiting
Whilst most minor illnesses do get better on their own it is also important to recognise when or if your baby becomes seriously ill and the NHS website has some important information you should familiarise yourself with .
Rashes are common in newborn and young babies. Many things can cause a rash in babies and they're often nothing to worry about.
You can find out more about rashes in babies on their website.
If your child has a rash and they:
- have a stiff neck
- are bothered by light
- seem confused
- are shaking uncontrollably
- have a fever you can't control
- have unusually cold hands and feet
- have a rash that doesn't fade when you press a glass against it
Immediate action is required: please go to A&E or call 999. These can be signs of meningitis.
Sticky eyes are common in newborn babies while their tear ducts are developing. You may see something sticky in the corner of their eyes, or their eyelashes may be stuck together.
It normally clears up on its own, but you may have to gently clean your baby’s eyes regularly with cotton wool using cooled boiled water and by following these steps:
- Wipe each eye from the corner of the nose outwards.
- Use a clean piece of cotton wool for each wipe.
- Remember to wash your hands before and afterwards and avoid sharing towels to prevent spreading infection.
Sticky eyes can sometimes be confused with conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is an infection which results in the white parts of the eye turning pink or red and the build-up of yellow / green sticky goo which comes back regularly. If you notice this and it continues for more than 24 hours, please contact your health visitor or your GP.
An umbilical granuloma is an overgrowth of tissue during the healing process of the belly button (umbilicus).
It usually looks like a soft pink or red lump and often leaks small amounts of clear or yellow fluid. It can cause mild irritation of the skin around the belly button.
It is most common in the first few weeks of a baby's life. The overgrowth of tissue is not dangerous but does need care. In general, you want to keep the belly button clean and dry during this time. Gently clean the belly button with warm water and soap.
If there is redness of the surrounding skin or there is a bad smell or discharge, or if your baby is unwell with temperature, contact your GP for further details.
Parenting, play and promoting development
Parenting, play and promoting development
It is important to understand and be aware of your baby’s different behaviours and how they might be communicating with you. By engaging and responding to them you can help their skills and their personality to develop.
Normal behaviours for your baby can include periods of being quiet, alert, unsettled and / or crying. These are all types of communication and by using all your senses you will learn a lot about your baby.
You can contact the 0-19 admin hub by live chat or give the team a call on: 0800 170 7055 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm).
The Five to Thrive model is based of five core principles which will help you be a responsive, engaging parent.
- When your baby looks ready, hold them facing you and wait to see if they make eye contact.
- Your baby will need lots of time to respond, so pause and wait until they are ready to engage.
- Your baby may look away because too much interaction can be very intense for them. Wait for your baby to come back in their own time.
- A feed - look for ‘feeding cues’ like lip smacking, sucking and ‘rooting’ (turning their head and opening their mouths - rooting is a reflex action in small babies and happens automatically if you stroke their cheek).
In an unsettled state your baby may fuss, whine, arch their backs, wriggle and be more sensitive to light and noise. Sometimes your baby may show they are overstimulated by hiccupping, yawning, sneezing, squirming, throwing their head back or even bringing up some milk.
Babies who put their hands up to their face are often tired. If your baby is unsettled, they may need a change of pace and might benefit from:
A cuddle. Cuddles provide security and makes the world seem safe.
In the crying state your baby will be active, often grimacing and crying intensely.
If your baby is crying it is likely they are looking for comfort. There may be special ways your baby likes to be soothed. For example:
- Do they like being held when you walk about?
- Do they enjoy soft singing?
- Do they like being close to you skin to skin?
- Do they have a favourite cuddling position?
- Do they like to suck on their fingers?
- Do they like gentle rocking in the pram?
- Do they like to have eye contact while you gently ask them what the matter is?
- Facial expressions build brain patterns which help babies to recognise feelings their own feelings and the feelings of others.
Try this activity:
Follow the lead of your baby and mimic their facial expression and the accompanying gestures and then you take the lead by doing your own expression. This encourages your baby to take turns and is a form of conversation.
- Tongue play such as sticking your tongue out or blowing raspberries helps to build brain patterns linking together tongue control, human communication, and pleasure. This is pre-speech, making the baby more ready to develop speech and language.
- The very best activity for a baby is looking at your face and listening to your voice.
Try singing gently to your baby, then pausing and watching for their reaction, then singing some more (don’t worry if you can’t sing in tune - your baby will love hearing your voice and being close to you) - Taking turns in interaction is important for your baby’s development
When it comes to teething, all babies are different. But your baby will probably get their first tooth some time during their first year.
For more information on teething you can visit the NHS website.
Having a baby and being aware of the things around you that could cause your baby harm can feel like an overwhelming task. Each day you are growing your parental instinct which will help keep your baby safe as they get older.
Your health visitor will talk through obvious risks and give you advice and support in overcoming risk to help keep you and your baby as safe as possible.
You can contact the 0-19 admin hub by live chat or give the team a call on: 0800 170 7055 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm).
Dial 999 for an ambulance if your baby:
- stops breathing or turns blue
- is struggling for breath
- is unconscious or seems unaware of what's going on
- will not wake up
- has a fit for the first time, even if they seem to recover.
Accidents happen, and it can feel like they happen so fast they feel impossible to stop. However, by keeping your wits about you and being aware of possible risk you are helping to make it more likely that the accident won’t happen in the first place.
Accidents can come in all different ways and types including:
- Burns and scalds
- Choking
- Drowning
- Falls
- Strangulation
- Suffocation
- Accidental poisoning
The NHS website has some useful information and top tips to help you keep your child safe.
If your child has an accident it is important to know what to do and when you need to seek medical advice, the NHS website has a long list of information including where you can learn basic first aid on their website
Safety and pets
If you have a pet or pets, such as a dog, you should prepare them for your newborn and get them used to having a little one around. The Dog’s Trust has put together information about being dog smart around babies and children.
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden, unexpected, and unexplained death of an apparently healthy baby. You might know this as ‘cot death’ but we are trying to refer to with its proper name or its acronym of SIDS to reflect the nature of this syndrome.
We don’t know the exact cause of SIDS, but in the UK more than 200 babies die suddenly every year. Although alarming, SIDS is very rare and the risk is low, but it is thought that there are a few different factors that can increase the risk of a baby dying with SIDS such as living in a household of smokers and bedding which is easy to tangle in.
The Lullaby Trust have pulled together a handy guide to safer sleep which can help reduce the risk of SIDS.
The Lullaby Trust’s information on car seats, long journeys and SIDS is useful if you are planning on taking trips with your baby.
The NHS website and Basis website has information on what you can do to help reduce the risk of SIDS
Keeping your baby safe whilst they are in the sun is important to protect their skin from the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays. Without sun safety and sun protection, sun burns, and dehydration can occur, and these can cause some serious issues for your child
Here are some tips you can use to help with sun safety:
- If your baby is under 6 months old, they should be kept away from strong direct sunlight this includes being outside as well as being behind glass windows.
- If your baby’s skin is going to be exposed to sunlight use a sunscreen with a minimum 50 SPF rating to protect them.
- If you are taking your baby out in their pram do not cover their prams with any type of material as this can be very dangerous.
When a pram is covered it prevents the vital movement of air around your baby so the air, they breathe out is the same air they breathe in. Without this movement of air, they will be breathing in a higher percentage of carbon dioxide, leaving them with less oxygen and potentially causing them to struggle or stop breathing.
If you have any questions or would like some more information regarding sun safety and your baby, you can ask your midwife / health visitor or GP for advice.
Here is a list of additional resources:
Sleep is a vital part of your baby’s development. Sleep promotes growth, strengthens their immunity, helps with cell repair and healing, and supports physical and emotional health.
The NHS England website has put together approximate hours of sleep your baby needs along with sleep tips and need along with sleep tips.
Sleep isn’t always easy to achieve and if they aren’t sleeping it is unlikely you will be either.
Babies need to feed regularly which is why they often wake up, and this is a safety feature that humans have evolved. It helps to keep them safe and their sleeplessness is an evolutionary to help keep them safe and their tummies topped up.
Your baby might also wake during the night because they need to feel secure. By responding to your baby, you help to develop your relationship and keep them feeling safe, nurtured, and happy.
If you are struggling to get your baby to sleep or for them to stay asleep please do talk to your health visitor, midwife or GP. You can contact the 0-19 admin hub by live chat or give the team a call on: 0800 170 7055 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm).
What can you do if your baby doesn’t want to sleep?
Even for a baby, it is important they learn the difference between day and night.
During the day make sure the curtains are open, and they are stimulated with sensory play and when it comes to getting them to sleep, dim the lights and try to block out sounds that might disturb their sleep.
The NHS website has a sleep guide for babies which has useful information on where your baby should sleep, what you can expect and how to establish a bedtime routine.
You can watch The Lullaby Trust’s video on what bedding your baby needs below:
The team at The Lullaby Trust also have a range of sleep videos including how to monitor your baby’s temperature and co-sleeping information.
How can I keep my baby safe whilst they sleep?
Keeping babies safe, both day and night while they are sleeping is important. The points to remember are:
- Always place your baby on their back to sleep.
- Keep your baby away from smoke, both before and after birth.
- Give your baby a clear safe sleep space in the same room as you.
- Use a firm, flat, waterproof mattress in good condition.
- Breastfeed your baby if you can.
- Never sleep in a chair or sofa with your baby.
- Never put your baby in bed with you if you have drunk alcohol, taken any kind of drugs, if your baby was born prematurely or of low birth weight.
- Don’t let your baby get too hot or cover their head or face.
- Keep the sleep area free of pillows, duvets, loose bedding, toys, cot bumpers, sleep positioners, pods, or nests.
For more information on this important topic follow the links below:
Unicef's Caring for your Baby at Night is a great source of information website to give you more advice and information on safe sleeping.
The Lullaby Trust have a useful website to give your more information on safe sleeping.
The contents of your baby’s nappy will change day to day. As your baby develops you will understand their bowel and urine movements more and this can help in checking the health of your baby.
Although your baby’s poo does vary day to day, if your notice any changes such as their poo becoming smellier, more watery, harder, or blood being present please call your health visitor or GP.
Healthy urine is a pale colour and should not smell strong. If you notice darker urine or a strong smell speak to your health visiting team for advice.
Here the NHS has created a video about how to change a dirty nappy:
Nappy hygiene is important and changing your baby when they have soiled their nappy will help prevent nappy rash and keep your baby comfortable.
You can expect to change a baby between the ages of 0 months to 1 years old anywhere from 5 to 12 times a day.
You can contact the 0-19 admin hub by live chat or give the team a call on: 0800 170 7055 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm).
Let’s talk newborn baby poo
Newborn babies will pass dark sticky stools (poo) which are called meconium. These are black and tar-like and contain bile and other substances your baby swallowed whilst they were in the womb.
By day three (3) this poo should become lighter, runnier, and much easier to clean up. From day four (4) and then for the first few weeks your baby should pass at least two (2) yellow stools each day.
The colour of baby poo varies for each baby and how fast they get to the ‘yellow poo’ stage is unique to each baby. Some children can get to the ‘yellow poo’ stage sooner than days five (5) or six (6) and that is okay. This can mean your baby is feeding very effectively and is probably taking in more milk.
Pampers have created a poo chart which shows the shades of poo and is rough guide to what you might expect.
For a more visual guide on what poo you might expect your baby to have you can visit the NCT.
It is common for babies to grunt and strain or even cry when they are having a poo, and this doesn’t necessarily mean they are suffering with constipation.
When you start to introduce solids to your babies, at around 6 months old, this will also change the look and smell of their poo. Introducing solid food produces a darker brown poo which smells more than when just on milk feeds.
Let’s talk newborn baby wee
It can be difficult to judge how often your baby passes urine as disposable nappies are efficient at absorbing the fluid. However, this will become easier to judge as you get used to the feel or weight of your baby’s nappies.
You should expect six (6) to eight (8) wet nappies a day in the early weeks but this can vary from baby to baby. If you are concerned about how much milk your baby is having you can be reassured by a heavy (wet) nappy that they are producing plenty of wee so are having plenty to drink.
Healthy urine is a pale colour and should not smell strong. If you notice darker urine or a strong smell speak to your health visiting team for advice.
Look out for a sudden change in frequency of watery poo. A foul-smelling dirty nappy and a baby with signs of a fever could suggest an intestinal infection. Significant diarrhoea can lead to your baby being dehydrated so it is important to encourage them to drink. Small, frequent drinks are best if your baby is feeling unwell. Seek medical advice from your doctor or health visitor if your baby is suffering from diarrhoea.
A sign of constipation is hard and pebble like stools. Constipation is more common among formula fed babies – here are a few tips if your baby is suffering from constipation.
- A simple way to manage constipation firstly is to give your baby small amounts of cooled boiled water (30 – 40 mls). If you find that giving your baby extra water still doesn’t work, please contact your health visiting team for advice.
- Don’t give prune juice – it contains a natural bowel irritant and is not suitable for babies under nine months of age, even when diluted. Don’t give orange juice before six months of age.
- Don’t add any form of sugar, malt extract or rice cereal to formula – this will not help constipation and can cause a choking risk
- Don’t introduce solids before six months of age – this is not recommended.