NHS England visit to talk Diversity

Last week the Trust was honoured to receive a visit from Yvonne Coghill OBE, the Director of WRES (Workforce Race Equality Standard) Implementation for NHS England.
Read NHS England visit to talk Diversity…Last week the Trust was honoured to receive a visit from Yvonne Coghill OBE, the Director of WRES (Workforce Race Equality Standard) Implementation for NHS England.
Read NHS England visit to talk Diversity…NHFT is celebrating being recognised as a Trust that is committed to supporting staff who have caring responsibilities in their personal lives.
This week Jayne Evans from the Trust won the Jane Roebuck Northamptonshire carer of the Year award and was also highly commended for the Working Carer of the Year award.
Read Our Jayne named Carer of the Year and a top carer accreditation for NHFT…We are recruiting for enthusiastic and caring registered nurses to join their hard working and dedicated community beds team located at Isebrook Hospital, Wellingborough.
Read Calling registered nurses – join our team!…This month, (January), NHFT have launched a video and magazine to highlight some of the behind the scenes work going on across our sites and within the community.
It’s part of the on-going #weareNHFT campaign to demonstrate the values and work of our dedicated staff across the Trust.
Read Trust launches behind the scenes video and magazine…A message to all colleagues and partners from our Chief Exeuctive
Read A message from our Chief Executive - winter pressures…