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NHFT recognised in prestigious awards

Photo of team at awards

Chief Executive Angela Hillery said: “Being shortlisted for the HSJ Provider Trust of the year award was a huge honour in itself and our congratulations go to the winners Northumberland, Tyne and Wear FT.

“The ceremony was an amazing experience and a great opportunity to hear more about the many positives coming out of the NHS and the talented individuals, Trusts and service providers behind them.”

On Thursday (November 23) two NHFT teams were represented at the Fab Awards run by the Academy of Fabulous Stuff, who organise events such as NHS change week.

The Referral Management Centre won the Penguin award which recognises teamwork, for their work in making referrals faster by moving to an online system.

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) team were shortlisted for the Mary Poppins award, chosen by young service users, for their work in creating CAMHS Live, an online chat system to help young people get help with concerns about mental health or emotional wellbeing.

Elsewhere around the Trust Steph Buswell from the Children and Young People’s Response Team based at Isebrook Hospital celebrated being shortlisted for the national Our Health Heroes Clinical Support Worker of the Year award, after winning the title for the East Midlands region.

 Angela added: “I am full of pride for these achievements and the way staff here make a difference to people’s lives day in, day out.”

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