Northamptonshire ‘Roses’ recognised for COVID efforts

Northamptonshire County Council, alongside the High Sheriff's office and Lord Lieutenancy launched the 'Rose of Northamptonshire' award scheme in October 2020, to recognise the county’s ‘unsung heroes’ of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nominations were open to the public, and more than 300 were received spanning the full range of individuals, businesses, organisations, teams and communities across Northamptonshire. The Lord Leuitenant of Northamptonshire, James Saunders-Watson, said
“"There are very many people who during the pandemic have consistently put the needs of others ahead of their own, keeping communities connected and supporting the most vulnerable members of society. The 'Rose of Northamptonshire' awards have been launched so that the people of Northamptonshire can recognise and thank them."
We are enormously proud to see some members of #teamNHFT recognised with a Rose of Northamptonshire award:
Integrated Mental Health Response Hub
The Integrated Mental Health Response Hub was launched in March 2020, at the height of the first wave of the pandemic. The hub operates all year round, 24 hours a day and seven days a week to take calls from Northamptonshire residents in need of help, advice or support related to their mental health. The integrated hub brings together MIND and NHFT staff to support callers who can be signposted or referred to other Trust services including IAPT and the Crisis pathway.
The mental health impact of the pandemic is still being understood, but some of it is evident in the demand for the ‘Mental Health Number’, which is now seeing over 6,000 calls per month.
Christine Edwards, Team Leader, said, “This is great news for the team and has really boosted morale. The team has set up a fantastic new service to support the people of Northamptonshire with their mental health needs, and to have achieved this during a pandemic is really something to celebrate.”
Infection Prevention and Control team (IP&C)
During the COVID-19 pandemic the NHFT IP&C team have been an integral part of the Trust’s response. They have increased their service provision to ensure that they are available to provide support and advice whenever required. The team have worked closely with operational and clinical colleagues within the trust and across Northamptonshire and have produced and embedded essential processes to support staff in maintaining optimal levels and quality of care provision while ensuring that infection prevention and control remains an absolute priority for everyone.
Kelly Baptiste, Senior Infection Prevention and Control Nurse said; The whole team have, and continue to, work extremely hard throughout this challenging time, they have shown their passion, commitment and dedication to the nursing profession and to infection prevention and control best practice. They are all absolutely thrilled and feel privileged to have received this local award in recognition and acknowledgment of their hard work.
Clinical Systems Team (CST)
The NHFT Clinical Systems team were nominated based on how well they had worked together on supporting the Trust throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, alongside standard and urgent SystmOne changes. The team was supported by the Clinical Change Team and members of the Digital Technology Services Project Team over this period. These colleagues have worked closely together to ensure that NHFT has the vital support it needs to give patients the care they deserve.
Sarah Ratcliffe, Head of Clinical Systems and Information Governance, said, “The Team are thrilled to have won the Award. As Head of Service I have been so proud of how flexibly and well the Team have adapted to working differently during this period and how they have continued to support clinical teams and services.”
Georgia Frith, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist – Specialist Learning Disability Team
As part of the Community Team for People with Learning Disabilities, Georgia works with adults with who have difficulties with communication (speech, language, social communication) and dysphagia (eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties).
Georgia’s Rose Award nomination is for championing easy read information throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, helping to make complex information more accessible to people with Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN). Outside of her working hours, Georgia has created easy read resources that have been shared nationally with Hospitals, community teams, schools, colleges and social care providers to support people to understand information about the pandemic, express their views and keep as safe as possible. She has worked with Widget, Board maker and Photo Symbols to remove licensing and copyright barriers to make these resources available for free.
Georgia says, “Communication skills are the foundations of our connection to each other and the world. I’m particularly passionate about health literacy, accessible information and enabling people to make their own informed choices. We’ve been overwhelmed with information and COVID-19 updates, I did not want to see people with SLCN struggling to keep up.
I’m honoured to have been recognised amongst many of the unsung heroes across the county and country. The past year has been challenging for as all and I’m blown away that someone has taken the time to recognise me.”