IPS Employment Service

The IPS Employment Service is open to anyone who is currently unemployed and is looking for paid employment, and is currently engaged with the Planned Care & Recovery (PCART) service, with the Forensic Team, or with the Early Intervention (NSTEP) team.

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Our service

Our service

IPS runs according to 8 key principles:

  1. Its aim to help you find into competitive paid employment.
  2. It is open to all those who want to work – nobody is excluded because of their diagnosis or current mental wellbeing.
  3. It tries to find jobs consistent with people’s preferences.
  4. It aims to get you into work as quickly as possible
  5. Employment Specialists work as members of the mental health team
  6. Employment Specialists develop relationships with employers based on a person’s work preferences.
  7. IPS provides on-going support for you and your employer.
  8. Benefits advice is included, to make sure you know how moving into work will impact your finances.

Employment Specialists

Employment Specialists

Our Employment Specialists can support you in a wide range of ways to find and keep a job, including:

  • Supporting you to explore the sort of work you would like to do.
  • Helping you to create or update your CV.
  • Assisting with job searching and applications.
  • Providing information about training.
  • Help you to access information on benefits and how working may affect this.
  • Approach employers that you want to work for.
  • Help you make a plan for staying healthy at work.
  • Assist you to decide what to say about your health to potential employers.
  • Help you request changes or support from employers.
  • Support you and your employer for as long as you need while at work.

Our specialists cover

  • Grand Union CMHT
  • Blue ARC CMHT
  • Northampton Central & East CMHT
  • Rural Parks CMHT
  • South West Parkwood CMHT
  • Kettering Red Kite CMHT
  • Rockingham Triangle CMHT
  • Wellingborough & District CMHT
  • East Northants CMHT
  • Community Forensic Team