Children's CTPLDWe can work directly with children, or indirectly with parents or carers, helping them with a range of difficulties. Examples of such work may include behaviour management, anxiety and anger management, bereavement and loss, trauma, attachment, relationship difficulties, toileting and sleep.
Our team includes clinical psychologists and community learning disability nurses.
Who is this service for? Children and young people up to the age of 18 (and their parents and carers where appropriate) who require specialist learning disability (LD) healthcare services.
Available Locations
How do I register for this service?
Referrals should be made through a healthcare professional involved in the child’s care.
If you would like to discuss referring a child to the 0-19 service please contact the 0-19 Admin Hub for further details on 0800 170 7055.
Contact us
Our generic email address: CTPLD.Admin@nhft.nhs.uk